2023 Series
Sizzling Summer Series 2023: Making Data Come Alive!
Session 1: Framing with Data
Session 1: Framing with Data
This summer, we’re kicking off our five-part series with a conversation with Dr. Julie Sweetland from the FrameWorks Institute to talk about framing public health messages using data. Join us on Wednesday, June 14th from 12:00 - 1:00pm CT for this enlightening and invigorating conversation.
View slides from the presentation.
Check out success stories of using the "VIP" method of framing data.
Presenter: Julie Sweetland, PhD
Dr. Julie Sweetland is a sociolinguist and a senior advisor at the FrameWorks Institute, a nonprofit that equips change-makers to lead productive public conversations on scientific and social issues. FrameWorks’ unique approach to communications research shapes public discourse across the nation and around the world. Their impact was recognized in 2015 with the MacArthur Award for Creative and Effective Institutions, otherwise known as the “organizational genius grant.”
Julie's linguistic research has focused on the intersection of language and race, with a particular focus on how language can be used to disrupt racism and other forms of oppression. Since joining FrameWorks in 2012, Dr. Sweetland has co-constructed and led strategic reframing initiatives on issues like health equity, education equity, justice reform, and childhood adversity. Her skill in translating framing research into communication strategy has helped advocates, policymakers, and scientists drive social change. Since 2017, Julie has played a key role in the Tobacco Disparities Framing Project, which has informed national, state, and local efforts to advance equity-focused approaches to tobacco prevention and control. Dr. Sweetland is a graduate of Georgetown University and completed her MA and PhD in linguistics at Stanford University.
Session 2: “Storifying” Data for Greater Impact
Session 2: “Storifying” Data for Greater Impact
As partners and colleagues in advancing women and children’s health and equity, Drs. Magda Peck and Janelle Palacios work across generations to develop creative approaches for incorporating strategic storytelling into public health practice and policy for greater health impact. This session - which draws upon decades of combined clinical, public health, research and lived experience - invites collaborative leaders for the public’s health at every age and stage to learn about effective ways and and means for using stories to bring data to life in their work. Join us on Wednesday, August 30th, from 12:00 - 1:00pm CT for this exciting conversation.
View slides from the presentation.
Presenter: Magda Peck, ScD
Story strategist and applied scientist Magda G. Peck, ScD is Founder and Principal of MP3 Health Group, dedicated to creative leadership and strategic collaboration for health-impact innovation and systems change. Dr. Peck also is Co-Founder of SquareRoot Stories, a new collaborative partnership working with practitioners and communities to bring data to life for greater health and equity, through strategic storytelling. A seasoned storyteller and national public health leader, Magda has added training in strategic storywork, storytelling performance, and digital storytelling with Ex Fabula, StageBridge, and StoryCenter. Working to advance strategic storytelling in public health practice and leadership, clients include APHA, CityMatCH, National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention, UNMC’s Great Plains Health Leadership Institute, and others. As CityMatCH Founder/Senior Advisor, and UNMC Adjunct Professor of Public Health and Pediatrics, Dr Peck is delighted to return home to Omaha and the College of Public Health for this series.
Presenter: Janelle Palacios, PhD, CNM
Janelle Palacios PhD, CNM (Salish & Kootenai) is a nurse midwife, researcher, policy shifter and professional speaker who has over 20 years of experience of working with story in academic, community and policy settings. Dr. Palacios’ groundbreaking qualitative research on teen parenthood among American Indian families combined life-course weathering theories with historical trauma to help academia and clinical providers understand the importance of situated life context in order to understand maternal/infant outcomes among AI/AN populations. Janelle’s savvy and expertise have been tapped by CDC, HRSA and an array of national public health organizations, through expert committees, panels and podcasts. She is founder of Encoded 4 Story, and co-founder of SquareRootStories, both story-focused consulting firms aimed at improving health equity. Her recent co-leadership of the HHS Secretary’s Advisory Committee on Infant and Maternal Mortality’s groundbreaking Making Amends report has helped catalyze political will to address longstanding adverse American Indian/Alaska Native maternal and child health outcomes, through both science and story.
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Office of Public Health Practice
UNMC College of Public Health
984335 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-4335