2020 Series
Sizzling Summer Series 2020: Change Management
Part One - Change the Individual
Change is hard. But throughout our work and lives, it is a constant. This interactive session dives into why, biologically and psychologically, change is so difficult for us and presents some tactics for overcoming resistance.
Part One - Change the Individual
Part Two - Change and the Small Group
Leading change in teams requires leaders who are willing to listen and empower people around them. This session introduces a peer coaching model and gives participants an opportunity to practice.
Part Two - Change and the Small Group
Part Three - Change and the Organization
The term Kaizen means “change for better.” When Kaizen is applied through a consistent and sustained culture, it teaches employees to think differently about their work. This session provides a framework for building a continuous improvement culture in your organization.
Part Three - Change and the Organization
Presenter: Michael Perdunn, MA, CISM, PMP
Michael is a change evangelist, teacher, and speaker. Currently, he is leading OPPD’s cybersecurity team through the vital job of protecting Omaha’s electric grid. As a facilitator for the Nebraska Business Development Center (NBDC), Michael facilitates training and development programs in project management, change management, and team building. He is also an instructor at the University of Nebraska at Omaha in the College of Information Science & Technology. Outside of work, Michael is active in the community as a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) working with children in the child welfare system. Growing up in the UK, Michael became an avid soccer fan and still plays and coaches whenever he gets the chance.