University of Nebraska Medical Center


The year-long Institute offers a variety of learning styles to meet all scholars' needs.

Three multi-day onsite Intensives (Kickoff, Midyear, Graduation) anchor the Institute; at each, scholars participate in lectures with faculty and guest speakers, small group discussions, simulation experiences and interactive workshops.

The Intensives are complemented by distance-based learning opportunities including expert-led monthly webinars, access to online learning modules, and recommended readings. To help put skills into practice, each scholar participates in professional coaching, mentoring, and peer coaching opportunities spread throughout the program. Small groups of scholars form learning clusters to discuss experiences and application of the Institute materials. Finally, scholars work on individualized leadership development plans tailored to meet their personal development goals.

Our curriculum is grounded in eight foundational leadership competencies, informed by the current public health workforce's needs.

The Competency Bucket

Fill your bucket with leadership tools to improve population health.

Owning Your Leadership Identity

Leam how to be the leader you aspire to be.

  • Identify your values, vision and mission
  • Recognize your strengths, gaps and impact on others
  • Increase emotional intelligence
  • Use techniques (e.g. mindfulness)
  • To strengthen self-awareness and balance
Valuing Culture and Differences

Open yourself to diverse experiences and perspectives.

  • Gain command of concepts around identity, culture, equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Model intercultural sensitivity in your position, organization and community.
  • Address health through an equity lens.
Developing Others

Pay it forward by building the skills of others.

  • Give and receive feedback in a productive manner.
  • Practice the skills of peer and employee coaching.
  • Use motivation and engagement principles and practices.
Leading Positive Change

Champion and facilitate positive change.

  • Understand different models of change management
  • Communicate the need for change
  • Encourage innovation
Influencing Organizational Culture

Nurture a positive organizational culture.

  • Recognize the elements of effective organizational culture
  • Manage difficult conversations
Creating Effective Partnerships

Collaborate effectively across teams, organizations, and systems.

  • Build and sustain teams, networks and coalmons
  • Manage and successfully resolve conflict
  • Practice negotiation skills
  • Create a shared vision
Building Political Savvy

Demonstrate political awareness and diplomacy.

  • Maneuver through power and influence
  • Conduct stakeholder analyses
  • Master techniques and strategies for influencing others
Interpreting Complex Systems

See your relevance and role in the broader system.

  • Assure understanding of trends, issues, and forecasting
  • Embrace systems thinking approaches
  • Exercise adaptive leadership skills