University of Nebraska Medical Center


The Water, Climate and Health Program is committed to training the next generation of problem solvers to research and address topics focused on health issues associated with water and climate. We offer educational and training opportunities for all ages.

Educational Opportunities for Grades 8-12

In collaboration with the Nebraska Department of Education and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, the Water, Climate and Health program is a proud sponsor of, “Protecting Nebraska’s Waters”, a water quality curriculum developed for learners in grades 8-12. Developed by educator, Taylor Hamblin, PhD, Protecting Nebraska’s Waters is designed to use the topic of water quality to engage students in innovative science and civics lessons. Taught throughout the state of Nebraska, students are emersed in real world examples and are encouraged to develop their own projects based on issues seen throughout the state.

For more information about Protecting Nebraska’s Waters, contact Taylor Hamblin, PhD.

Protecting Nebraska’s Waters Video

Educational & Training Opportunities for Graduate Students

The Water, Climate and Health Program offers educational opportunities for students at both the MPH and PhD levels. Our faculty regularly teach courses at the graduate level on the intersection of water, climate, and human health. Our MPH and PhD students receive rigorous training and mentorship from our faculty and regularly present and publish scholarly work. Our students are exposed to research at the highest levels, participating in projects funded through the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, the National Integrated Drought Information System, and other prestigious scientific organizations. Students meet regularly with the faculty and staff research team to discuss research best practices, networking, professional development, and other topics. Learn more about our graduate students or contact Jesse Bell, PhD for more information.

We are also pleased to offer graduate students the Claire M. Hubbard Fellowship for dedicated study towards projects at the water, climate, and health nexus.

Educational Opportunities for Medical Students

In collaboration with the UNMC College of Medicine, the Water, Climate and Health Program offers a “Climate Change and Health” Enhanced Medical Education Track program to current medical students. Developed in 2021, the Climate Change and Health EMET program is designed to enhance medical student’s educational experience through directed study and research on topics at the intersection of climate change and health.

The Climate Change and Health Enhance Medical Education track will expose students to different types of research related to climate change and health with the anticipation that students will choose an area of focus for further studies during the M2, M3, and M4 years. The majority of the research and laboratory work conducted will be done during the summer break between M1 & M2. After which, the student will synthesize their research project into a poster board that will be presented at a National Meeting. Students will also join the Healthy Earth Alliance, participate in presentations, attend speaking engagements, participate in clinical shadowing, and attend events put on by the Water, Climate, and Health program. All throughout the experience students will be guided by their faculty mentor who will provide the support and expertise necessary to provide a rich learning experience on the topic of Climate Change and Health.

For more information on how to apply, contact Jesse Bell, PhD or visit the Enhanced Medical Education website.

EMET program video

Training Opportunities for Postgraduate Professionals

The Water, Climate and Health Program regularly employs postdoctoral research associates to assist with research. Opportunities will be announced as they become available.

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