Celebrating Culture, Community and Health

Unveiling the COVID-19 Memorial Quilt.

The 220th annual Umon’hon Nation Hede’wachi.

The 159th Winnebago Homecoming Celebration.
The NE-HEALING Project's busy year culminated with an emotional unveiling of a COVID memorial quilt depicting ten lives lost to this unforgiving virus that devastated tribal communities. In collaboration with Bluebird Cultural Initiative, this quilt was created by members of the Omaha, Nebraska urban Native American community who came together for Washigila (or Lakota Wiping of Tears) ceremony in late August.
Other events included informational booths at the 159th Winnebago Homecoming Celebration and the 220th annual Umon’hon Nation Hede’wachi. See more pictures from these events.
About Us

Mariah Abney, Lisa Spellman and Siobhan Wescott, MD, MPH.
The Nebraska Health, Education, Advocacy and Leadership across Indigenous and Native Generations Project, also known as NE-HEALING, supports both tribal and urban American Indian and Alaska Native communities by promoting ways of knowing, being and doing that align with indigenous knowledge, practices and approaches to health and wellness.
This initiative is committed to supporting the revitalization of American Indian and Alaska Native public health through culturally relevant and innovative practice, research, teaching and service that:
- Honors indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing to develop deeper understandings of indigenous health.
- Builds respectful intercultural, intergenerational and interdisciplinary relationships that support and promote public health, the medical humanities and innovations in health.
- Generates culturally grounded knowledge, curriculum, models, tools and practices that tribal and urban American Indian and Alaska Native communities can employ in health promotion and preventive and societal medicine.
Documentary: Conquering Chronic Disease with Olympian Billy Mills
Olympic legend and Native American hero Billy Mills proved that no matter how many odds are stacked against you, all you need are courage and fortitude to win.
Documentary: Conquering Chronic Disease with Olympian Billy Mills
Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition (NICWIC)
Motherhood and Fatherhood is Sacred 12 week program
via Zoom Meeting
Wednesday Evenings starting January 22, 2025, 5:30-7:30pm
Teen Voices, Talking Circle
Open to Teens (13yrs-24yrs old)
Nebraska Urban Indian Health Coalition
February 21st, 2025, 6-7:30pm
Last Bear Moon Pow Wow
WinneVegas Casino Resort- Sloan, IA
WinneVegas Event Center
Saturday, February 22, 2025
14th Annual Wambli Sapa Memorial Pow Wow
6001 Dodge St, Omaha, NE 68182
Lee & Helene Sapp Fieldhouse, UNO
April 19, 2025, 1 pm
Project Beacon/N.U.I.H.C Annual MMIR Event
1001 Douglas St, Omaha, NE 68102
Gene Leahy Mall — Performance Pavilion
May 5, 2025, 5:30-7:30 pm
Project Upstream: "Good Life In My Moccasins"
1001 Douglas St, Omaha, NE 68102
Gene Leahy Mall — Performance Pavilion
June 18, 2025, 4-6 pm
Dr. Davies visits Macy on community outreach trip
UNMC Interim Chancellor Dele Davies, MD, recently attended the Umoⁿhoⁿ Tribe's 220th Annual Hede’wachi, engaging with community members to understand their needs and explore ways UNMC can support them.
Monday, September 9

UNMC project launches novel tribal collaboration
As tribes and tribal communities set health education priorities, the UNMC Nebraska HEALING Project will offer expertise and grants up to $4,000.
Tuesday, August 2

Siobhan Wescott, MD, named LaFlesche Professor
Dr. Wescott is the inaugural holder of the Dr. Susan and Susette (Inshata Theumba) LaFlesche Professorship in Public Health.
Thursday, July 15

Nebraska-HEALING and UmonHon Nation Health Fair 2023
Sunday, January 1