University of Nebraska Medical Center

David Brett-Major, MD, MPH

Professor, UNMC Department of Epidemiology


Professional headshot of Dr. David Brett-Major.

David Brett-Major, MD, MPH, is a professor in the Department of Epidemiology of the UNMC College of Public Health.

Dr. Brett-Major previously served as the Sanford Chair in Tropical Medicine at the Uniformed Services University, and as the network associate director for clinical research of the Military HIV Research Program at the Henry M. Jackson Foundation.

He served from 1992 to 2016 in the U.S. Navy. For part of that time, he also was a medical officer of Health Security and Environment for the World Health Organization.

  • 2008, MPH (Tropical Public Health), Uniformed Services University University
  • 2007, Infectious Diseases (Fellowship), National Capitol Consortium Consortium
  • 2005, Internal Medicine (Residency), National Naval Medical Center Center
  • 2002, MD, Uniformed Services University
  • 1992, BS (Mathematics), US Naval Academy
Research Interests

David Brett-Major, MD MPH, is an Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases physician. He has worked at home, in South America, Africa, and Asia as a clinician, educator, researcher, and in health emergency risk management. He has been part of filovirus emergency response in Guinea, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and Uganda. David has worked in health security policy and management on issues such as research in emergencies, Dual Use Research of Concern, high consequence pathogens including pandemic influenza, and all hazards preparedness. He has been a part of global alert and response coordination against Ebola virus disease, Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus, and avian influenza A(H7N9). As a clinical scientist and medical epidemiologist, his research interests focus on risk, how it may be identified, characterized, and managed from patient- and community-centered vantages, particularly related to emerging infectious diseases.

Selected Publications
  • Professor Brett-Major’s MEDLINE-indexed literature is available here.
Professional Affiliations
  • Fellow, American College of Physicians
  • Fellow, Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh
  • Also: Alpha Omega Alpha (medical honor society), Delta Omega (public health honor society), American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (former President of the Clinical Group), Infectious Diseases Society of America, Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, US Naval Institute