University of Nebraska Medical Center


The Biostatistics Department provides many services that are best used during all phases of study conduct. By involving us early, members can ensure efficient study design and help avoid many practical obstacles to the conduct of good science.

We have collaborated and consulted with investigators from virtually every department and unit on the UNMC campus. These activities have included: cancer, transplantation, infectious disease, geriatrics, anesthesiology, nursing, dentistry, genetics, endocrinology, pulmonology, and health services research. 

What We Offer

  • Review background and rationale 
  • Identify endpoints and covariates 
  • Design experiments and surveys 
  • Estimate sample size and calculate power 
  • Develop data collection instruments and database tools 
  • Write statistical component of grant/research protocol and IRB application
  • Process, store and retrieve data 
  • Monitor accrual 
  • Provide quality control 
  • Conduct interim analysis 
  • Assist with continuation/stopping decisions 
  • Assist with interpretation of results 
  • Recommend presentation methods 
  • Author statistical analysis component of manuscripts