Jianghu (James) Dong, PhD
Assistant Professor, UNMC Department of Biostatistics
Assistant Professor, UNMC Internal Medicine Division of Nephrology

Jianghu (James) Dong, PhD, is an assistant professor in the UNMC College of Public Health Department of Biostatistics and the UNMC College of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine Division of Nephrology. He joined UNMC in 2019.
Previously, he worked at BC Renal Agency and BC Transplant in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and held faculty roles in the divisions of nephology at the University of British Columbia
and the University of Alberta, as well as at Wenzhou Medical University in China.
- PhD. in Statistics, Simon Fraser University, 2018
- MSc. in Statistics, University of Alberta, 2005
- MSc. in Statistics, Renmin University of China, 2003
- BSc. in Math, Beijing Normal University,1997
Dr. Dong's current research is mainly focus in developing new statistical methodologies to solve the real clinical problems, especially in Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease and Kidney Transplant.
- Functional Data Analysis
- Longitudinal Analysis, Survival Analysis, and Joint Modelling
- Clinical Trials and Measurement Error Models
- Cost-effectiveness Analysis and Decision Tree
- Barbour S, Djurdjev O, Gill JS, Dong J, Gill J (2019). The Impact of Early Steroid Withdrawal in Kidney Transplant Recipients with and without Glomerulonephritis: A propensity score matched analysis, Kidney International, 96(2) 460-469.
- Dong J, Wang S, Wang L, Gill J, Cao J (2018). Joint modelling for organ transplantation outcomes for patients with diabetes and the end-stage renal Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 28(9).
- Dong J, Wang L, Gill J, Cao J (2017). Functional Principal Component Analysis of GFR Curves after Kidney Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 27(12).
- Gill J, Dong J, Rose C, Gill JS (2016). The risk of allograft failure and the survival benefit of kidney transplantation are complicated by delayed graft function. Kidney International 89(6):1331–1336.
- Thangaraju S, Gill J, Wright A, Dong J, Rose C, Gill JS (2016), Risk Factors for BK Polyoma Virus Treatment and Association of Treatment with Kidney Transplant Failure: Insights from a Paired Kidney Analysis. Transplantation, 100(4):854-61.
- American Statistical Association
- Canadian Statistical Association
- American Transplant Association
- International Chinese Statistical Association
College of Public Health
University of Nebraska Medical Center
984375 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha NE 68198-4375