University of Nebraska Medical Center
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We publish our research related to the prevention of occupational disease and injury of agricultural workers and their families so that the knowledge is available to others.

Publications list

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Recent publications

Research articles 

Cannady, R. T., Yoder, A., Miller, J., Crosby, K., & Kintziger, K. W. (2024). Understanding and perceiving heat stress risk control: Critical insights from agriculture workers. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene. https://doi.org/10.1080/15459624.2024.2439812

Tucker, S., Du, Y., Ahmed, R., Haynatzki, G., Adhikari, S., & Rautiainen, R. H. (2024). Dermal exposure to agrochemicals as a risk factor for skin cancer in farmers and ranchers in the US Central States. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajim.23696

Lowndes, B., Gutierrez, A., Pitla, S., Rumuri, S., Siu, J., Yoder, A.  (2024). Feasibility of Integrating Electromyography and Computer Vision for Occupational Safety during Tractor Ingress and Egress. In: Pedro Arezes and Anne Garcia (eds) Safety Management and Human Factors. AHFE (2024) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 151. AHFE International, USA. http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1005301

Adhikari S, Wilson F, Rautiainen R. Cost of agricultural injuries in the United States: Estimates based on surveillance, insurance, and government statistics. Am J Ind Med. 2024 Jun 23. doi: 10.1002/ajim.23628. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38922747.

Bai, H., Beseler, C., Baccaglini, L., Rautiainen, Risto. Work-related stress as a risk factor for farm injuries in the Central United States. Journal of Agricultural Safety an dHealth. 29(1): 1-13. doi:10.13031/jash.14951

Bendixsen CG, Ramos AK, Holmes SM. (in press). Structural competency and agricultural health and safety: An opportunity to foster equity within agriculture.  Journal of Agromedicine, 28(1):45-52. https://doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2022.2148148

Beseler CL, Rautiainen RH. Assessing Nonresponse Bias in Farm Injury Surveillance Data. J Agric Saf Health. 2021 Oct 21;27(4):215-227. doi: 10.13031/jash.14554. PMID: 34729972.

Beseler C, Kim J, Subramanian R, Harris S, Funkenbusch K, Yoder AM, Robinson T, Foster JM, Watanabe-Galloway S. (2023). Exploring barriers and promoters of CRC screening use among agricultural operators: a pilot study of an application of concept mapping. Rural and Remote Health. https://www.rrh.org.au/journal/early_abstract/8413

Carlo G, McGinley M, Maiya S, Ramos AK. (2023). Association of work-related injuries and stress to family and youth wellbeing among U.S. Latino/a immigrant cattle feedyard workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20(4):3361. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20043361 PMID 36834054 PMCID: PMC9962635 

Chasek C, Wantanabe-Galloway S, Rutt R, Olson A, Yoder A. (2023). A cross-sectional study of alcohol, opioid use, and anxiety in agriculturally based occupations. Journal of Rural Health, 39(4):816-823. https://doi.org/10.1111/jrh.12749. PMID: 36759592

Crotty K, Anton P, Coleman LG, Morris NL, Lewis SA, Samuelson DR, McMahan R, Hartmann P, Kim A, Ratna A, Mandrekar P, Wyatt TA, Choudhry MA, Kovacs EJ, McCullough R, Yeligar SM. (2023). Recent Knowledge Gained in Alcohol and the Immunological Response Across Tissues. Alcohol Clinical & Experimental Research, 47(1):36-44. https://doi.org/10.1111/acer.14979

Cunningham KC, Smith DR, Villageliú DN, Ellis CM, Ramer-Tait AE, Price JD, Wyatt TA, Knoell DL, Samuelson MM, Welsh DA, Samuelson DR. (2023). Human alcohol-microbiota mice have increased susceptibility to bacterial pneumonia. Cells, 12(18):2267. doi: 10.3390/cells12182267 PMID: 37759490 PMCID: PMC10526526 

Gaffney KK, Medcalf S, Duysen E & Wichman C. (2023). Rural and Agricultural Natural Disaster Stress and Recovery: A Comparison, Journal of Agromedicine, 28(4):797-808. doi10.1080/1059924X.2023.2230987 PMID: 37394921

Gibbs JL, Sheridan C, Rohlman DS.  (2022). Infographics enhance agricultural health and safety programs for young adults. Journal of Agromedicine, 28(1):86-89. doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2022.2140733  

Gibbs JL, Sheridan CE, Sullivan D, Rautiainen R, Nonnenman MW, Wyatt TA. (2023). Self-reported respiratory health symptoms and respiratory protection behaviors of young adult hog producers in the United States. American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 66(9):794-804. doi: 10.1002/ajim.23515. PMID: 37443418.

Gibbs JL, Sheridan CE, Yoder A, Beseler C, Rautiainen R. (2023). Self-reported quad bike use, safety behaviors, and safety awareness among young adults in U.S. and Canadian agriculture. Journal of Agromedicine. 28(1):18-27. Doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2022.2141408. PMID: 36302736 

Gibbs JL, Yoder A. (2023). Perspective: Emphasizing safe engineering design features of quad bikes in agricultural safety programs. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 29(2):121-127. doi: 10.13031/jash.15351 

Gribben KC, Poole JA, Nelson AJ, Farazi PA, Wichman CS, Heires AJ, Romberger DJ, LeVan TD. (2022). Relationships of serum CC16 levels with smoking status and lung function in COPD. Respiratory Research, 23(1):247. doi: 10.1186/s12931-022-02158-8. PMID: 36114505; PMCID: PMC9479424.  

Irumva T, Mwunguzi H, Pitla SK, Lowndes B, Yoder A, Ka-Chun S. (2023). Agricultural Machinery Operator Monitoring System (AG-OMS): A machine learning approach for real-time operator safety assessment. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 29(2):85-97. doi: 10.13031/jash.15357 

Johnson AN, Dickinson J, Nelson A, Gaurav R, Kudma K, Evans SE, Janike K, Wyatt TA, Poole JA. (2023). Effect of epithelial-specific MyD88 signaling pathway on airway inflammatory response to organic dust exposure. Journal of Immunotoxicology, 20(1):2148782. doi: 10.1080/1547691X.2022.2148782. PMID: 36538286 

Luedders J, Poole JA. (2022). Influence of rural environmental factors in asthma. Immunology & Allergy Clinics, 42(4):817-830. doi: 10.1016/j.iac.2022.05.008. PMID: 36265978 

Luedders BA, Mikuls TR, Thiele GM, Poole JA, England BR. (2022). Inhalant and additional mucosal-related environmental risks for rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatic Diseases Clinics of North America, 48(4):781-798. doi: 10.1016/j.rdc.2022.06.002 PMID: 36332995 PMCID: PMC10120871 

Muralidharan A, Bauer C, Katafiasz DM, Pham D, Oyewole OO, Morwitzer MJ, Roy E, Bailey KL, Reid SP, Wyatt TA. (2023). Malondialdehyde acetaldehyde adduction of surfactant protein D attenuates SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binding and virus neutralization. Alcohol Clinical & Experimental Research, 47(1):95-103. doi: 10.1111/acer.14974 PMID: 36352814 PMCID: PMC9878066 

Muralidharan A, Bauer CD, Katafiasz DM, Strah HM, Siddique A, Bailey KL, Reid SP, Wyatt TA. (2023). Synergistic detrimental effects of cigarette smoke, alcohol, and SARS-CoV-2 in COPD bronchial epithelial cells. Pathogens, 12(3): 498; https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens12030498 

Nour MM, Aly YM, Field WE. (2022).  AgISM: A novel automated tool for monitoring trends of agricultural waste storage and handling-related injuries and fatalities data in real-time. Safety, 8(4):75. https://doi.org/10.3390/safety8040075 

Ouattara BS, Beseler CL, Rautiainen RH. (2023). Agricultural injuries: Risk factors and severity by affected body part among US (Midwest) farmers. Journal of Agromedicine, 28(2):214-223. https://doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2022.2089421 PMID: 35703065 

Poole JA, England BR, Sayles H, Johnson TM, Duryee MJ, Hunter CD, Baker JF, Kerr GS, Kunkel G, Cannon GW, Sauer BC, Wysham KD, Joseph AM, Wallace BI, Thiele GM, Mikuls TR. (2023). Serum alarmins and the risk of incident interstitial lung disease in rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford), Oct 9:kead535. doi: 10.1093/rheumatology/kead535 PMID: 37812235 

Poole JA, Gaurav R, Schwab A, Nelson AJ, Gleason A, Romberger DJ, Wyatt TA. (2022). Post-endotoxin exposure-induced lung inflammation and resolution consequences beneficially impacted by lung-delivered IL-10 therapy. Scientific Reports, 12:17338. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-22346-2  

Ramos AK, Adhikari S, Rautiainen R, & Yoder A. (2022). Protecting cattle feedyard workers in the Central States region: Exploring state, regional, and national data on fatal and nonfatal injuries in agriculture and the beef production sector. The Journal of Extension, 60(3), Article 13. https://doi.org/10.34068/joe.60.03.13

Ramos A, Reynaga D. (2023). The TN Visa: The Future of Foreign Workers in Livestock Production. Journal of Agromedicine, 28(1), 81-85. doi: 10.1080/1059924X.2022.2140734 

Rowland SA, Ramos AK, Maiya S, Carlo G. (2023). Health status, health care access, and health information sources among Latino immigrant cattle feedyard workers in the Midwest. Workplace Health & Safety, 71(6):296-303. doi.org/10.1177/21650799231163134 PMID: 37073976 

Schwab AD, Poole JA. (2023). Mechanistic and therapeutic approaches to occupational exposure-associated allergic and non-allergic asthmatic disease. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports, 23(6):313-324. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11882-023-01079-w PMID: 37154874 

Schofield K, Ramos A, Weichelt B, Bent B. (2023). Realities of Workers’ Compensation Coverage for Agricultural Workers: Before, during, and into the Future of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Agromedicine, 28(1):69-72. doi: 10.1080/1059924X.2022.2147624 

Wheeler AM, Baker JF, Poole JA, Ascherman DP, Yang Y, Kerr GS, Reimold A, Kunkel G, Cannon GW, Wysham KD, Singh N, Lazaro D, Monach P, Bridges SL Jr., Mikuls TF, England BR. (2022). Genetic, social, and environmental risk factors in rheumatoid arthritis-associated interstitial lung disease. Seminars in Arthritis and rheumatism, 57:152098. doi.org/10.1016/j.semarthrit.2022 PMID: 36155967 PMCID: PMC10123759 NIHMS 1891686 

Zamora-Sifuentes J, Poole JA. (2023). Occupational rhinitis: An update. Current Allergy and Asthma Reports, 23(10):579-587. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11882-023-01103-z PMID: 37452992