About Us

Dejun Su, PhD
Message from the Director
Thank you for your attention to our newly established Community Health Worker training and certification program at UNMC. With federal funding support and the extensive partnerships we have mobilized across Nebraska, this program represents a unique opportunity for our state to develop a sizable community health workforce and promote its integration into local health care delivery for the provision of patient-centered, holistic care.
Community Health Workers are frontline public health workers who are knowledgeable about the local community in terms of its people, culture, history, resources, and unmet health needs. The cultural and linguistic affinity they have with local residents uniquely position them to facilitate care access and bridge the gap between the health care system and people from under-resourced communities. We hope that the training on selected core competencies through both didactic instruction and subsequent on-the-job learning offered by this program will significantly enhance the capability of Community Health Workers to serve patients of diverse background and to address health disparities.
Promoting health equity and social justice is an endless journey that requires dedicated commitments and efforts from all of us. As we strive to improve our training program and increase its impact over time, we would welcome your participation and collaboration.
Dejun Su, PhD
Community Health Worker Program Director
Disclaimer: This program is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services as part of 3-year grant totaling $2,982,600 with 0% financed with non-governmental sources. The contents of this website are those of the UNMC program team and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by the Health Resources and Services Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, or the U.S. government.