University of Nebraska Medical Center

Together for Early Childhood Evidence

ECD Measure Newsletter, April 2021

The April 2021 issue of ECD Measure’s quarterly newsletter shares recent work of the Consortium, including resources from our latest webinar and a blog on Ethiopia’s first pre-primary national assessment. It also includes recent blogs and publications from the ECD Measure team, as well as other recent resources on ECE data and measurement. Access the […]

May 13, 2021

ECD measure Quarterly Newsletter

Ethiopia Builds its First National Assessment of Pre-primary Education

Authors: Dr. Belay Hagos, Associate Professor of Education, Director, Institute of Educational Research, Addis Ababa University Fitsum Mulugeta, Education Economist, The World Bank Enrollment in Early Childhood Education (ECE) expanded ten-fold over the past decade when the Ethiopian government and development partners increased their investment in the sub-sector. To guide the effort of complementing this […]

Apr 1, 2021

Image of a group of young children smiling for the camera.

Webinar: Early Childhood Measurement Tools

ECD Measure hosted this webinar on March 25 at 9:00am ET.  The presentation slides are available in our Resources. The interactive session provided background on defining the purpose of measurement in participants’ countries and provided guidance on considerations to make when designing or selecting tools to measure child development. We also heard from experts at the […]

Mar 15, 2021

Map of the world in yellow and orange.

Webinar: Monitoring and Quality Assurance Systems for Early Childhood Education

ECD Measure hosted this webinar on January 21, 2021 at 8:00am ET.  The presentation slides are available in our Resources. Speaker: Dr. Laura Johns, Propulsion Discussant: Ms. Maya Soonarane, ADEA ICQN-ECD With Rebecca Sayre, Dr. Abbie Raikes, ECD Measure Thanks to more than fifty participants who joined the Together for Early Childhood Evidence webinar on developing […]

Jan 22, 2021

Image of young children writing on a school table looking up at a camera.

ECD Measure Newsletter, January 2021

The January 2021 issue of ECD Measure’s quarterly newsletter shares recent work of the Consortium, including an upcoming webinar, South Africa’s national ECE data system, and latest blog posts from the ECD Measure team, as well as other recent resources on ECE data and measurement. Access the newsletter online.

Jan 14, 2021

ECD measure Quarterly Newsletter

South Africa works toward a national ECE data system while adapting to COVID-19

Authors: Janeli Kotze, Deputy Director of Research Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation, Department of Basic Education & Vuyelwa Ntuli, Chief Education Specialist, Early Childhood Development, Department of Basic Education Introduction South Africa has a moderately high net enrollment rate for early childhood education (ECE), with 69 percent of children aged three to five enrolled in some form of early […]

Dec 14, 2020

Map image of South Africa

Assessing the ECD needs of six USAID Missions in Africa

To better understand and take stock of the opportunities and challenges at the country-level in early childhood development (ECD), particularly in light of the unique COVID-19 context, ECD Measure conducted a needs assessment with the six participating countries (Ethiopia, Liberia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia). The needs assessment was designed to gather inputs from […]

Nov 19, 2020

ECD Logo

ECD Measure Newsletter, October 2020

The October 2020 issue of ECD Measure’s quarterly newsletter announces the launch of Phase 2 of the Consortium and includes the latest blog posts from the ECD Measure team, as well as other recent resources on ECE data and measurement. Access the newsletter online.

Oct 23, 2020

ECD measure Quarterly Newsletter

Announcing Phase 2: Working Together for Early Childhood Evidence

Author: Abbie Raikes, PhD, associate professor at the College of Public Health, University of Nebraska Medical Center On behalf of ECD Measure, a research group hosted at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, and in partnership with USAID and the Research Technical Assistance Center (RTAC), I am happy to announce Phase 2 of the Consortium […]

Oct 17, 2020

Image of 3 young school children coloring at a school table.

Reflecting on progress from Phase 1 of CPDMA

Cross-posted on ecdmeasure.org Four CPDMA country teams (Liberia, Rwanda, South Africa and Ethiopia) have been working together since early 2019 to map out their ECE data systems and develop plans to use data to improve outcomes for young children. Liberia We learned that delivering evidence-based interventions for early childhood care and development are very important. That […]

Feb 7, 2020

Map of Africa with Liberia, Ethiopia, Rwanda, and South Africa highlighted.