University of Nebraska Medical Center

Category: Event

Sorting through the Measurement Issues in Early Childhood: Opportunities, Cautions and New Directions

By: Dr. Joan Lombardi ECD Measure and USAID recently brought together nearly 50 early childhood stakeholders in Washington, DC at the 2023 Comparative International Education Society (CIES) Conference for a Together for Early Childhood Evidence (T4ECE) meeting to discuss how countries, USAID, and T4ECE partners are making progress in building data informed early childhood systems. Dr. Joan […]

Apr 4, 2023

Image of meeting participants sitting around tables listening to a speaker.

Together for Early Childhood Evidence Teams convene in Mauritius

ECD Measure was pleased to partner with USAID and the Association for Development of Education in Africa Inter-Country Quality Node-Early Child Development (ADEA ICQN) to convene Together for Early Childhood Evidence (T4ECE) task force teams in October 2022 as a side event to the ADEA 2022 Triennale in Mauritius. This meeting convened forty T4ECE Task Force members […]

Dec 8, 2022

Image of participants in the meeting posing for a group photo.

CPDMA Convenes Consortium-wide Conference in Kigali, Rwanda

Cross-posted on ecdmeasure.org Earlier this month, the Consortium on Pre-Primary Data and Measurement in Africa (CPDMA) convened the CPDMA Taskforce Conference: ECE Data Utilization to Impact Change in Kigali, Rwanda, co-hosted by the Rwanda Ministry of Education, National Early Childhood Development Program (Ministry of Gender and Family Promotion), and USAID. Nearly fifty participants from ten countries joined the meeting. The […]

Nov 21, 2019

Meeting participants standing for a group portrait.

ECD Measure and CPDMA Taskforce teams meet in Mauritius for ECD Leadership Capacity Building Workshop

Cross-posted on ecdmeasure.org We all need feedback to know how we’re doing.  As more and more countries recognize the importance of early childhood education, data are essential for charting an effective path forward.  On behalf of the Consortium for Preprimary Data and Measurement in Africa, we recently joined the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA), […]

Jul 11, 2019

Meeting participants standing for a group portrait.

Consortium on Pre-Primary Data and Measurement in Africa Kicks Off at CIES in San Francisco

Cross-posted on ecdmeasure.org On April 15, 2019, the Consortium for Pre-Primary Data and Measurement in Africa (CPDMA) held a kick-off breakfast at the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) annual conference in San Francisco, USA. CPDMA, funded by USAID and convened by ECD Measure Group, is building a global consortium on data and measurement in early childhood, […]

Apr 26, 2019

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