Category: Blog
A Spotlight on Ethiopia’s Knowledge Hub
Authors: Dr. Menelik Desta, Executive Director, Ethiopian School Readiness Initiative Professor Belay Kibret, Addis Ababa University The Ethiopian Together for Early Childhood Evidence (T4ECE) country task force team, under the leadership of the Ethiopian School Readiness Initiative (ESRI), recently established a Knowledge Hub to support collaboration and alignment among early childhood actors in Ethiopia. The Knowledge Hub aims to […]
Jun 15, 2022

Why ECE quality assurance systems are essential to promote the well-being of children in Africa
Quality Assurance for Early Childhood Education The future of the African continent depends on the development of its children. The success of a nation depends on how well its education system can produce knowledgeable, skilled citizens prepared for the 21st-century workforce. One driver of this success is early childhood education (ECE). However, the ECE sector […]
Nov 21, 2021

Data in the Driver’s Seat: Using Data to Shape Decisions on Pre-Primary Education in Rwanda
Author: Caroline Dusabe, Senior Education Advisor, Save the Children Challenges Posed by COVID-19 When the COVID-19 pandemic hit Rwanda, it did not just disrupt learning and cause learning loss. It also led to losses in previous gains on building high quality learning environments in pre-primary classrooms. After more than nine months of school closures, the […]
Sep 23, 2021

Together for Early Childhood Evidence Supports four country research projects in Africa
Together for Early Childhood Evidence: Consortium on Pre-Primary Data and Measurement in Africa began in 2018 as an initiative to bring together government officials, researchers and other stakeholders interested in pre-primary data and measurement in Africa. Together for Early Childhood Evidence is convened by ECD Measure at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC), College of Public […]
Jul 2, 2021

By Dr. Dawn Davis (ECD Measure) and Dr. Cecelia Cassell (University of Liberia) Over the past decade, Liberia has increasingly focused on improving access and quality early childhood education (ECE). Measurement is a key component of a quality ECE system, and Liberia has adapted ECD Measure’s Brief Early Childhood Quality Inventory (BEQI) to help Liberian researchers and […]
Jun 10, 2021

Ethiopia Builds its First National Assessment of Pre-primary Education
Authors: Dr. Belay Hagos, Associate Professor of Education, Director, Institute of Educational Research, Addis Ababa University Fitsum Mulugeta, Education Economist, The World Bank Enrollment in Early Childhood Education (ECE) expanded ten-fold over the past decade when the Ethiopian government and development partners increased their investment in the sub-sector. To guide the effort of complementing this […]
Apr 1, 2021

South Africa works toward a national ECE data system while adapting to COVID-19
Authors: Janeli Kotze, Deputy Director of Research Coordination, Monitoring and Evaluation, Department of Basic Education & Vuyelwa Ntuli, Chief Education Specialist, Early Childhood Development, Department of Basic Education Introduction South Africa has a moderately high net enrollment rate for early childhood education (ECE), with 69 percent of children aged three to five enrolled in some form of early […]
Dec 14, 2020

Reflecting on progress from Phase 1 of CPDMA
Cross-posted on Four CPDMA country teams (Liberia, Rwanda, South Africa and Ethiopia) have been working together since early 2019 to map out their ECE data systems and develop plans to use data to improve outcomes for young children. Liberia We learned that delivering evidence-based interventions for early childhood care and development are very important. That […]
Feb 7, 2020

Liberia begins its journey toward a pre-primary data system
Author: Cecelia Cassell, Dean, Teachers College, University of Liberia Cross-posted on Liberia is at a critical moment for early childhood education. According to the 2019 UNESCO Global Education Monitoring Report, 88 percent of Liberian children are enrolled in an ECE program at least one year before primary school entry. However, it is common for overage children […]
Jun 25, 2019