Our centers advance health and well-being through cutting-edge research, innovative education, and community partnerships.
Each center within our college is dedicated to addressing critical public health challenges and promoting health equity on local, national, and global scales.
Our Centers
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Centers in the News

Public health workshop trains lab professionals in Egypt
With help from national and international partners and support from the Global Center for Health Security, the workshop engaged participants from 19 major human and animal diagnostic laboratories from across Egypt.

Online resource offers child-friendly lesson on COVID-19
As a part of a larger partnership, the Central States Center for Agricultural Safety and Health created a child-friendly yet scientifically accurate way of speaking to kids about COVID-19 and other communicable diseases

College of Public Health visits partners in Rwanda
Representatives of the UNMC College of Public Health traveled to Rwanda from to work on building collaborations with the University of Rwanda’s School of Public Health and the Rwanda Institute for Conservation Agriculture.