University of Nebraska Medical Center


The UNMC Center for Health Policy aims to provide objective research and policy analysis while making these findings available to policymakers, universities, stakeholders, and the public.

Services Offered

Research Services and Reports
Qualitative and quantitative research services that include analysis, original research development, surveys, historical analysis, process analysis, and other methods. Report services may include data analysis, policy recommendations, and a discussion of the potential impact of various policy options.
Policy Research
In-depth research on a wide range of health care policy issues and analyzing existing policies, programs, and proposed legislation to identify strengths/weaknesses.
Policy Briefs
Concise development and writing of policy briefs and agendas to for policymakers and other stakeholders.
Health Issue Briefs
Regional and national summaries of emergent, current, and important health administration, public health, and national issues.
White Papers
Comprehensive background information, data analysis, policy recommendations, and discussion of potential implementation strategies.
Advocacy Stakeholder/Strategy
Guided strategy and process recommendations to engage with policymakers and stakeholders.
Educational Resources
Health service courses, certificate programs, degrees, webinars, seminars, training, process improvement services, and consulting.
Health Data Analysis
Services that assess trends and patterns in disease prevalence, health care utilization, and health outcomes and the evaluation of health care intervention effectiveness.