Task Force Member Countries

Country task force teams representing Ethiopia, Liberia, Rwanda and South Africa joined the consortium in 2019, followed by Malawi in 2022. Each team works together to exchange in dialogue about building data-driven ECE systems in their countries. Country task force teams comprise approximately 5-8 members, including governments, USAID, civil society organizations, university researchers, statistical agencies, or any other relevant organizations involved in ECE data collection and use in their countries.
Between 2023-2025, the country task force teams are continuing to work together to bridge gaps between policy, practice, and research in their early childhood education systems. Each team is leading a country research activity to explore how pre-primary systems can better use data to improve young children’s early learning experiences.
Member Countries
The Together for Early Childhood Evidence program is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development under the terms of contract No. 7200AA19C00080, subcontract CATALYZE-Edu-CR-2023-0352. The contents of this website are developed by the Early Childhood Development Measure group hosted at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.