University of Nebraska Medical Center

Our Partners

International Centre for Migration, Health and Development

The International Centre for Migration, Health and Development's work is guided by the principle that the right to health applies to all people, including migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, and that in protecting the health of people on the move, the health and welfare of the larger society is also promoted and protected. The International Centre for Migration, Health, and Development is a Swiss-based non-profit institution established in 1995. Its mandate is to work on research, training, and policy advocacy on population movement and health, and in doing so, support national governments, international agencies, NGOs, private sector groups, and others working on issues related to migration, health, and development.

Birzeit University

Founded on the principles of excellence and opportunity for all, Birzeit University has become Palestine’s leading academic institution. It is an academic powerhouse with a clear focus on excellence that has secured its national and international recognition unparalleled with other established institutions. Birzeit University is a vibrant community of scholarship and learning that serves the country and the community. Over a century, what began as a small girls’ school in Birzeit town has become the most prestigious Palestinian university, transforming Palestinian higher education through its impact on community awareness, culture, and resistance. 

Institute of Community and Public Health

The Institute of Community and Public Health aims to contribute to the protection and improvement of the health of the Palestinian population through research, teaching the MPH and Diploma programs, and the capacity building of public health providers and planners. Its theoretical foundations are based on the notion that health is socially constructed and on understanding health and disease in context, taking shape over the life course. Medical services are considered important for achieving health but not sufficient, requiring additional action outside health services and within the community and society to address the structural factors that influence health and well-being, such as economic, social, cultural, political, and environmental influences on health.

Ain Shams Univeristy

Ain Shams University is a public university in Cairo, Egypt. Founded in 1950, it currently comprises 21 schools distributed among five campuses with about 12 thousand faculty and 200 thousand students; more than 9 thousand international students come from 80 countries. The school of medicine is the largest in ASU, and it includes large 3500-bed tertiary care medical centers divided among 11 hospitals on three campuses. ASU-virtual hospital acts as the interface of health and technology, and is considered the global arm of ASU.