University of Nebraska Medical Center

Student Association

The purpose of the UNMC College of Public Health's Student Association is to:

  • Maintain a body representative of public health students to the college leadership and external entities
  • Advance the academic and social needs of COPH students
  • Provide and sustain vehicles for communication between students, faculty, administration, alumni, and the community at-large
  • Create and promote opportunities for community involvement
  • Disseminate educational and professional development resources
  • Support a positive educational experience
  • Stimulate interest in and advance the profession of public health

We invite all students in the College of Public Health program to participate in our activities.

For more information, please email us.

Follow us on Facebook and Engage for updates.

Executive Board (2023–2024)


Jordan Knapp

Vice President

Christine Le


Ruth Mencia


Jacque Platt

First Year Student Representative

Mamello Makhele

Online Student Representative

Jordan Knapp

Student Senate Representatives

Jordan Knapp
Mamello Makhele
Bri Parr