Welcome to the UNMC College of Public Health, a vibrant and diverse community of students, faculty and staff committed to improving health throughout the world.
We encourage you to explore our website and discover all that the UNMC College of Public Health has to offer. We are home to outstanding research faculty, a multicultural student body, and robust programs of study in the public health sciences.
Explore our Programs
We offer academic as well as professional certificates and degrees.
Admissions Resources
Tuition and Financial Aid
Our tuition is well below the national average, giving our students an outstanding education at an affordable price.
Non-Degree/Visiting Students
Find out how to apply as a non-degree or visiting student.
Opportunities for Undergraduates
Public health faculty frequently have opportunities for undergraduate students to serve in internship positions for research and community work.
Student Experience
A large part of your experience as a student happens outside of the classroom. We know that these experiences add to your success and depth of learning.