University of Nebraska Medical Center


The Panel of Advisors shall serve as an advisory body to the Dean of the College of Public Health at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The Panel provides broad information, ideas, and insights to the leadership of the College that will help achieve its mission and guide its successful growth and development as a leading school of public health in the region, the nation, and the world. The Panel shall strengthen communication between the College of Public Health and the communities it serves so that each can be more responsive and mutually reinforcing in meeting public health needs.

The Panel of Advisors meets twice a year, and meetings are hosted by the Dean. A brief agenda is developed by the Chair with input from Panel members in consultation with the Dean. The meetings are focused on receiving input and guidance from the Panel of Advisors to improve the success of the College and its impact in our communities. The agenda is often structured as questions or as a review of a program for which we are seeking advice.


Sara McClure

Panel Chair
Director of Major Gifts, The Nature Conservancy Nebraska

Richard Holland Presidential Chair
Dean, UNMC College of Public Health
Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service (retired)


John Cavanaugh, JD

Executive Director, Building Bright Futures

Jason Coleman, PhD

Director, UNO BS in Public Health Program
Director, Midlands Sexual Health Research Collaborative

Vice Dean, UNMC College of Public Health
Professor, UNMC Department of Health Promotion


Megan Hunt

Senator, Nebraska District 08

Lindsay Huse, MPH, DNP, RN, PHNA-BC

Health Director, Douglas County Health Department

Sofia Jawed-Wessel, PhD, MPH

Co-Director, Midlands Sexual Health Research Collaboration

Sade Kosoko-Lasaki, MD, MSPH, MBA

Associate Vice Provost, Health Sciences, Creighton University

Chris Rodgers, MBA, MPA

Board Of Commissioners, Douglas County

Laura Schabloske, MA

Managing Partner, Clairrant Partners

Susan Thomas

Chair of the Panel of Advisors and Founding Executive Director, Omaha Creative Institute (retired)

Katie Weitz, PhD

President, Weitz Family Foundation