Patient Care

Poynter Hall, at the corner of 42nd Street and Dewey Avenue, is home to the UNMC Department of Psychiatry, as well as to psychiatric services provided through Nebraska Medicine.
Our residents and medical students have the opportunity to train under the guidance of our faculty members as they provide care through through UNMC's primary clinical partner, Nebraska Medicine, as well as through the Omaha VA Medical Center. These services cover needs from child psychiatry, adolescent psychiatry, to geriatric psychiatry.
Trainees will experience the settings of outpatient clinics and inpatient services at both Nebraska Medicine and the Omaha VA. Training in clinical inpatient services at Nebraska Medicine may include electroconvulsive therapy.
For our outpatient services, trainees will be part of providing a range of treatments in person and via telepsychiatry, including psychotherapy, medication management and supportive treatments. Our faculty also consult with local community nonprofit mental health and substance abuse agencies to provide psychiatric services to persons with low income and serious mental health needs.
During training, areas of specialized focus might include:
- Attention deficit disorder in children and adults.
- Chronic mental illness.
- Dementia assessment and treatment.
- Developmental disorders in children and adults.
- Pregnancy-related disorders.
- Civil and criminal forensic assessments.
Trainees will have the opportunity to learn from expert faculty in general psychiatry, as well as those who specialize in such areas as child and adolescent psychiatry; geriatric psychiatry; addiction treatment; psychosis; and reproductive psychiatry.
Our faculty members also participate in an innovative Anxiety Subspecialty Treatment program (AnxST) is a multidisciplinary anxiety clinic, formed through a partnership of the UNMC Department of Psychology anf the Nebraka Medicine Department of Psychology. Led by Lauren Edwards, MD, as medical director and Justin Weeks, PhD, as psychotherapy director, the AnxST team comprises psychologists, psychiatrists, psychiatric residents, advanced practice providers, masters-level therapists, psychotherapy trainees, and a registered psychiatric nurse. These providers meet as a team multiple times per week to coordinate care and ensure optimal outcomes.
Omaha VA Medical Center
Nebraska Medicine locations:
- Psychiatric clinic and emergency care locations.
- Addictions therapy locations
- Geriatric Psychiatry at the
Home Instead Center for
Successful Aging