Administrator Information
Administrators play a key role in the onboarding and ongoing success for our postdoctoral scholars. Here are important resources you'll need to support postdocs at UNMC.
Training Checklist
- Follow the appointment guidelines outlined by Academic Services. Once the job has been posted on PeopleAdmin, please send the link to the Office of Postdoctoral Education for posting on our website.
- Work with the Office of Global Engagement for visas and other items related to international postdocs.
- Refer prospective postdocs to the Postdoctoral Scholar Handbook for information regarding salary, benefits and additional resources.
- Ensure the postdoc completes both orientations. UNMC Orientation must be completed within the first 1-2 months of arrival, and Postdoc Orientation is offered in the fall.
- Ensure the candidate completes their mandatory training (IDP, CITI modules, RCR in-person workshop) within the first year of their arrival. Certificates can be obtained via eServ. Contact our office to ensure the postdoc is signed up for the RCR workshop.
- Ensure Annual Evaluation is completed via UNeVal before reappointment. Completion of RCR Workshop and Annual Evaluation is mandatory for reappointment.
- Remind postdocs of training opportunities available on the campus and encourage them to participate in our certificate programs.
- Make sure postdocs complete the Postdoc Exit Survey.