University of Nebraska Medical Center

Wellness Advocates

Wellness advocates are here to support UNMC graduate students and postdocs in all areas of their wellness needs.

Emeritus faculty David Crouse, PhD and Alice Schumaker, PhD, serve as wellness advocates for UNMC Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Education, to support, listen to and address the concerns of students and postdocs in all areas of their wellness needs in both their personal and professional lives.

Dr. Crouse is a former interim vice chancellor for academic affairs and interim dean for graduate studies, among other numerous roles at the medical center. Dr. Schumaker is former associate dean of the College of Public Health and herself a Graduate Studies alumnus.

Set Up an Appointment

Send an email to Dr. Crouse: dcrouse@unmc.edu

Send an email to Dr. Schumaker: amschumaker@unmc.edu

Graduate Studies and Postdoc Wellness Advocates

David Crouse, PhD

Wellness Advocate, UNMC Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Education

Research Lab

Dr. David Crouse poses for a headshot

Alice Schumaker, PhD

Wellness Advocate, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Education


Dr. Schumaker poses for a headshot