Cellular & Integrative Physiology Research
Our research is advancing the scientific knowledge of molecular, cellular and integrative physiology to improve human health.
Our work encompasses a variety of fields:
- Cardiovascular physiology: Cellular cardiac electrophysiology, microvascular reactivity and permeability, and cardiovascular neuroscience, including neural control of circulation.
- Renal physiology: Ion transport, mesangial cell function, neural control of volume homeostasis, renal microcirculation, mechanisms of cell injury and repair, effects of sex and puberty on renal disease progression.
- Reproductive endocrinology and sensory physiology: Cardio-pulmonary chemoreceptors, visual physiology.
Several laboratories focus on patho-physiological mechanisms associated with disease, such as acute renal failure, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.
More information can be found on our faculty's individual pages.
Department Core Facilities
The Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology includes three core research facilities, providing important resources to our researchers.