About Us
A Message from Our Chair

Rebekah L. Gundry, PhD, is Stokes-Shackelford chair and professor of the UNMC Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology and director of the UNMC Center for Heart and Vascular Research. She also serves as scientific director of UNMC's Mass Spectrometry Core.
The Department of Cellular and Integrative Physiology is dedicated to outstanding research and excellence in education. Our researchers integrate many disciplines to understand how molecules, cells, tissues and organ systems work together in whole organisms in states of health and disease.
Current efforts include research with relevance to cardiac, vascular and renal physiology and diseases including hypertension, heart failure, cardiomyopathy and kidney injury.
Our approaches include a wide range of cutting-edge methods and disciplines, including electrophysiology, cardiovascular imaging, calcium signaling, redox biology, transcriptomics, glycobiology, mass spectrometry, computational methods and systems physiology to study these topics in a variety of organisms, from rodent models to people.
Our faculty participate in several graduate programs, and our department directs the Integrative Physiology & Molecular Medicine doctoral program and the Master of Science in Medical Physiology program.
By virtue of their interdisciplinary training, our program graduates compete successfully for positions in medical schools, universities, government, industry and nonprofit organizations.