Academy of Student Pharmacists
The UNMC chapter of the American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists is the largest professional pharmacy student organization on campus and is one of the most recognized chapters in the country. Our chapter has over 90% student membership and has received numerous national awards.
The mission of the APhA-ASP is to be the collective voice of pharmacy students, to provide opportunities for professional growth, and to envision and actively promote the future of pharmacy. As an organization for students preparing to enter the pharmacy profession, the goals of APhA-ASP include the following:
The mission of the APhA-ASP is to be the collective voice of pharmacy students, to provide opportunities for professional growth, and to envision and actively promote the future of pharmacy. As an organization for students preparing to enter the pharmacy profession, the goals of APhA-ASP include the following:
- State the APhA-ASP’s official position on important pharmacy issues as voted on by the APhA-ASP chapters at the APhA-ASP House of Delegates
- Provide a united voice for all pharmacy students
- Provide students with the support necessary to lobby local state and national political issues
- Provide support for changes in the academic arena
What We Do
These are just a few highlights of our public service activities.
Operation Immunization is a program that involves student training in the administration of vaccines to adolescents and adults. Students participate in immunization clinics at area pharmacies and at The Nebraska Medical Center by administering vaccinations.
Operation Diabetes is an exciting program where students are trained to screen patients for high blood pressure and abnormal blood glucose levels. This program serves the greater Omaha area and reaches out to rural communities across the state. Students travel to rural sites to conduct patient screenings.
The SHARING Clinic gives patients in an underserved area access to quality health care. This clinic is operated by pharmacy students and medical students who actually provide to the patients! Pharmacy students and medical students team together to conduct physical exams and drug therapy evaluations.
2024-2025 Officers
President | Sam Schendt |
President-Elect | Callie Stewart |
Finance VP | Maiya Ballesteros |
Communication VP | Maddie Moore |
Membership VP | Aubrey Bando |
Patient Care VP | Shelby Butts |
Policy VP | Makayla Gill |
IPSF VP | David Berger |
Faculty Advisor | Dr. Drew Prescott |