PSGP Committee Members
Luis A Marky, PhD
Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Director, Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Program

Anthony Podany, PharmD, PhD
Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science

Aaron Mohs, PhD
Associate Dean, Research and Graduate Studies, UNMC College of Pharmacy
Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Paul Trippier, PhD
Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Co-Director, T32 Training Program in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Drug Discovery

Joseph A Vetro, PhD
Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences

The faculty of the College of Pharmacy serve as mentors to our students. The faculty comprise two departments and a list of faculty can be found by clicking on the links below:
Governing Rules & Regulations
The governing rules and regulations of the PSGP are set out in the Governing document that is reviewed at least annually. A copy can be downloaded for each Academic Year (AY) below. The AY of admission is the document pertaining to your study.
Academic Timelines
A list of key academic dates for both the PhD and MS programs. Please also refer to the Academic calendar for key dates.
- Individual Development Plan (IDP) must be submitted within one year of a student starting in the program.
- Supervisory Committee must be formed within one year of starting in the program and must meet within 13 months of the student starting in the program.
- Committee meetings should be scheduled every six months.
- All PSGP PhD students are required to give two 30-minute seminars involving their graduate research of admission to the PSGP.
- Attendance is mandatory for all departmental, college, Center for Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine, and defense seminars.
- Within three years of joining the program students must successfully pass the comprehensive exam (comprising a written NIH style grant application) to demonstrate the student’s knowledge and application of that knowledge. This also includes a 25 minute presentation.
- The comprehensive exam must be completed no less than seven months before the dissertation defense.
- A final oral examination of the student’s dissertation is required. Graduate studies requires at least two weeks advance notice of an intent to hold the final thesis defense.
- Individual Development Plan (IDP) must be submitted within three months of a student starting in the program.
- Supervisory Committee must be formed within three years of starting in the program and must meet within four months of the student starting in the program.
- Committee meetings should be scheduled every six months.
- Attendance is mandatory for all departmental, college, Center for Drug Delivery and Nanomedicine, and defense seminars.
- Students must successfully pass a comprehensive exam (the format of this will be agreed upon by the student and their advisory committee and will likely center around critical analysis of a recent research paper in the area of study) to demonstrate the student’s knowledge and application of that knowledge.
- A final oral examination of the student’s dissertation is required. Graduate studies requires at least two weeks advance notice of an intent to hold the final thesis defense.
Laboratory Safety and Etiquette
- Students must not undertake any laboratory work until they have read the UNMC Safety Manual and are prepared to conform to the required standards and requirements.
- Students are reminded that the most common breaches of laboratory safety include the following: 1) not wearing appropriate clothing e.g., shorts & open foot wear are not allowed, 2) not wearing laboratory coats and/or safety glasses, 3) consuming food and drink in the lab, 4) storing food and drink in laboratory refrigerators, 5) incorrectly packaging and storing bio-hazardous material for disposal, 6) incorrectly disposing of broken glass, 7) discarding disposable pipettes in plastic trash containers, and 8) inadequately labeling chemicals and solutions that are on the bench or stored in refrigerators.
- Students must know the location of the safety shower and fire extinguisher in each laboratory they work.
- Report all safety concerns to your advisor, the Chair of the College of Pharmacy’s Safety Committee, and/or Chair of the department.
- Scientific equipment is expensive. Do not use any equipment until you have been appropriately trained to use it correctly.
- Leave all equipment in the condition that you found it, or better. Accidents happen and equipment fails from time to time. Immediately report any equipment failure, breakage, or substandard performance to your advisor.
- Record the use of equipment in the log book (if appropriate).
- Do not use or remove chemicals, solvents or equipment from any other laboratory without the appropriate faculty member’s permission.
- The first PSGP seminar in fall is a safety seminar. Attendance is mandatory and all students must sign the form stating they are familiar with the safety regulations in the college. This signed form is to be maintained in the safety file.
- The College now uses the UNMC safety manual, which can be accessed online at the Safety Office website.