Carrie McAdam Marx, MSCI, PhD, RPh
Associate Dean and Director for the Office of Experiential Programs, UNMC College of Pharmacy
Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science

Research Activities/Interests
Dr. McAdam Marx is a pharmacotherapy health services researcher. Her research helps to establish the effectiveness and value of pharmacist-led comprehensive medication management in primary care, as well as the real-world effectiveness and value of diabetes drug therapies. Her goal is to help improve patient outcomes by generating evidence to support decisions related to access and optimal use of medications and clinical pharmacy services.
Teaching Activities
Dr. McAdam Marx teaches in the areas of literature evaluation with an emphasis in observational and pharmacoeconomic studies, managed care pharmacy, and health services research methodologies. She serves as a research mentor to PharmD students and residents, and she has mentored numerous outcomes research graduate students. Dr. McAdam Marx is working with faculty in the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science to establish a graduate degree track in Health Services Evaluation and Research.
College of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science
University of Nebraska Medical Center
986145 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-6145