University of Nebraska Medical Center

Daren L Knoell, PharmD, FCCP

Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science


Daren L. Knoell

Daren L. Knoell received his PharmD from the University of Nebraska College of Pharmacy in 1989 followed by residency and fellowship training at the University of California at San Francisco. He is currently the Lewis and Antonia Harris Professor and Chair of the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science at his alma mater and he is also Professor of Pulmonary Medicine. Prior to this he was the Kimberly Professor and Division Chair of Pharmacy Practice and Science at The Ohio State University.


  • Undergraduate: University of Nebraska, Lincoln
  • Pharmacy School: UNMC College of Pharmacy
  • Postgraduate Residency and Fellowship:  University of California, San Francisco
Dr. Knoell’s focus of study is to better understand the pathogenesis of lung disease that in turn will reveal new biological insight to prevent or mitigate disease. His laboratory first revealed that zinc and its metabolism, through a family of proteins known as zinc transporters, is critical in preventing lung injury and maintaining host defense against infection.
Dr. Knoell practiced in the areas of adult critical care, adult internal medicine, and adult outpatient pulmonary care and he continues to instruct and mentor undergraduate, graduate, and professional students in the areas of respiratory medicine, immunology, and pharmacogenomics.
  • American College of Clinical Pharmacy
  • American Thoracic Society
  • International Society of Zinc Biologists (Board of Directors)
  • Merck & Co Award for Outstanding Achievement in Pulmonary Biology
  • American College of Clinical Pharmacy Career Development Award
  • Fellow of ACCP