University of Nebraska Medical Center

Donald G Klepser, PhD, MBA

Interim Joseph D. Williams Endowed Dean
Professor, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science


Donald Klepser
Dr. Klepser’s areas of interest include healthcare policy, pharmacoeconomics, and outcomes research. His current research is in the areas of point-of-care testing and diseases management service in community pharmacies, the expanded role for pharmacists in the changing healthcare environment, rural pharmacy access, cost containment, and managed care benefit design. Dr. Klepser has presented his research in these areas at national and international meetings and has numerous peer reviewed publications.
Dr. Klepser is the primary instructor and course coordinator for Pharmacy Practice Management (PHPR 662), which is required during the first semester of the third professional year. Dr. Klepser has also developed and coordinates two elective courses, Managed Care Pharmacy (PHPR 643) Pharmacy Practice Research Elective (PHPR 663) for third year pharmacy students and an accompanying research experience in the fourth year that provides an introduction to the research process.

AACP Academic Leadership Fellow (2019)

UNMC Distinguished Scientist (2018)

Michigan Pharmacist Association Executive Board Medal (2017)

AACP Academic Research Fellow (2016)