Sean N Avedissian, PharmD
Assistant Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science

Dr. Avedissian's primary research interests are related to the pharmacokinetic modeling of antibiotics/antivirals in special populations (HIV, critically-ill).
His recent research has focused on developing pharmacokinetic models in clinical and pre-clinical environments. In addition, he has been interested in identifying the mass transit of drugs from the plasma to other compartments in the body and how patient specific conditions/variables effect the pharmacokinetics of a drug. Initial work here at UNMC will focus on integrating with the HIV/TB research group and developing mathematical models to describe the pharmacokinetics of HIV/TB drugs.
College of Pharmacy
Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science
University of Nebraska Medical Center
986145 Nebraska Medical Center
Omaha, NE 68198-6145