University of Nebraska Medical Center

7th Annual Biopharmaceutical Research and Development Symposium

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Event Details

Date Location
September 19, 2024 Truhlsen Event Center- UNMC, Omaha Campus
September 20, 2024 Truhlsen Event Center- UNMC, Omaha Campus
Event Details


Registration Open Until 9/13


We, the planning committee, thank you for your attendance and participation in the 7th Annual Biopharmaceutical Research and Development Symposium. This year’s theme is “Musculoskeletal Disorders: A Fertile Field for Drug Discovery and Development

We have the privilege to host multiple prominent academic and industry leaders in the field of musculoskeletal disease, with research especially focused on areas of major clinical implications, such as osteoporosis, bone repair, orthopaedic implants-associated infection, osteoarthritis and pain.  New to the BRDS symposium this year, we have also invited UNMC orthopaedic surgeons to present their clinical cases relevant to the theme of the symposium. We hope these enlightening presentations will initiate vigorous scientific discussions on musculoskeletal pathologies and breed new ideas for drug discovery and development.

In addition to the headline of our prominent speakers, the scientific program also features poster presentations from postdoctoral and graduate researchers, providing them an opportunity to present their research to the attendees of the symposium. This scientific event provides a fantastic opportunity to faculty, postdocs/graduate students of the University of Nebraska campuses, and other Midwest universities to interact with scientists from industry and academia. Through these presentations, the symposium will greatly invigorate and elevate the drug discovery and development research effort on UNMC campus.


Schedule of Events