University of Nebraska Medical Center


The Nebraska Center for Substance Abuse Research enhances research capacity by recruiting new faculty, postdocs and students, and building bridges between basic, clinical and public health investigators. Contact Shilpa Buch, PhD, to discuss how your project would benefit.

The center builds on existing and planned collaborations with other institutions and universities, including the Veterans Administration Medical Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Creighton University, Kansas University Medical Center, University of Minnesota, Emory University, as well as Nanjing University in China and two institutes in India – the Brain Research Institute, Manesar, and Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Study.

Send us an email to become a Nebraska Center for Substance Abuse Research member or request a Speaker


Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
Director, UNMC Center for Substance Abuse Research


Laboratory of Shilpa Buch, PhD

Shilpa Buch, PhD

Vice Chair of Faculty Development, UNMC Department of Internal Medicine
Professor, UNMC Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep Medicine

Kristina Bailey, MD
Jerome Barry, MS

Director, Independence Center, LifePointe, & Pastoral Care, Bryan Medical Center

Rick Bevins, PhD

Cather Professor
Chair, Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska Lincoln

Vice Chair for Research, UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience


Laboratory of Siddappa Byrareddy, PhD

Siddappa Byrareddy, PhD
Ernest Chivero

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, UNO

Graduate Student Wellness Advocate


Terrence Donohue
Shashank Dravid, PhD

Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Creighton University

Shashank Dravid

Professor and Emeritus Dean, UNMC Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science


Courtney V Fletcher

Professor, UNMC Department of Neurological Sciences
Senior Associate Dean of Research and Development, UNMC College of Medicine
Director, Center for Integrative and Translational Neuroscience
Co-Investigator, Co-Director, Great Plains IDeA-CTR

Dr. Howard Fox

Margaret R. Larson Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases
Chair, UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience


Laboratory of Howard E. Gendelman, MD

Howard E. Gendelman, MD

Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience


Laboratory of Santhi Gorantla, PhD

Santhi Gorantla, PhD
Kathleen Grant, MD

Physician, Mental/Behavioral Health, VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System

Associate Director, Pain Medicine Fellowship Program, UNMC Department of Anesthesiology
Associate Professor
Chronic Pain Anesthesiologist, Nebraska Medicine

Kimberley K. Haynes-Henson, MD, headshot

Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience


Laboratory of Guoku Hu, PhD

Guoku Hu, PhD

Richard Holland Presidential Chair
Dean, UNMC College of Public Health
Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service (retired)


Ali S. Khan
Ming Li, PhD

Professor, Neuroscience & Behavior Program Coordinator, Department of Psychology, UNL

Qingsheng Li, PhD

Professor, School of Biological Sciences and Nebraska Center for Virology, UNL


Li Bio

Myrna Newland, MD, Endowed Professor of Anesthesiology
Senior Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, UNMC College of Medicine
Chief Academic Officer, Nebraska Medicine

Steven J. Lisco, MD, FCCM, FCCP headshot

Robert Lieberman Endowed Professor of Anesthesiology
Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Anesthesiology
Research Faculty

Gurudutt Pendyala, PhD

Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience


Laboratory of Palsamy Periyasamy, PhD

Palsamy Periyasamy, PhD

Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience


Laboratory of Larisa Poluektova, MD, PhD

Larisa Poluektova, MD, PhD
Pankaj Seth, PhD

Professor, National Brain Research Centre

Professor, UNMC College of Public Health Department of Epidemiology
Associate Director, Community Outreach & Engagement, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center
Co-Director, Biostatistics & Epidemiology Research Design Core, Great Plains IDeA-CTR
Research Director, Behavioral Health Education Center of Nebraska
Full Member, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center


Professional headshot of Dr. Shinobu Watanabe-Galloway.

Assistant Vice Chancellor for Wellness, UNMC
Professor, UNMC Department of Psychiatry


Steven Wengel
Honghong Yao, PhD

Chair, Department of Pharmacology, Southeast University
Vice Dean

Associate Professor, UNMC Department of Anesthesiology
Research Faculty

Sowmya Yelamanchili, PhD, headshot

Advisory Board

Professor, UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience
Director, UNMC Center for Substance Abuse Research


Laboratory of Shilpa Buch, PhD

Shilpa Buch, PhD

Hartmann Chair, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Professor and Chairman, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Associate Director, Translational Research, Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center


Surinder K. Batra

Stokes-Shackleford Professor, UNMC Department of Internal Medicine
Dean, College of Medicine, University of Nebraska Medical Center


Brad Britigan

Margaret R. Larson Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases
Chair, UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience


Laboratory of Howard E. Gendelman, MD

Howard E. Gendelman, MD

Richard Holland Presidential Chair
Dean, UNMC College of Public Health
Assistant Surgeon General, U.S. Public Health Service (retired)


Ali S. Khan