University of Nebraska Medical Center

Laboratory of Suvendra Bhattacharyya, MSc, PhD

Research Goals

Epigenetic regulation in neurodegenerative processes is what we are exploring.  Through our research we are working to decipher the mechanism of how the epigenetic regulators (i.e., miRNAs) may get exported from glial cells to neuronal cells to contribute to the sustenance and viability of neurons. How this cross-communication process via miRNA exchange may affect the neuronal signaling and memory formation is another research question we are following. We also like to see how the extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from glial cells control the axonal cargo trafficking process to control neuronal activity in normal and disease/aging brain. We are using mouse primary neurons and glial cells to explore the mechanistic detail and will explore mouse models to validate our findings.

Techniques used in laboratory

  • Epigenetic regulation in neurodegenerative diseases
  • Extracellular Vesicles
  • miRNA-mediated gene repression
  • Translation Control in neurodegenerative diseases
  • Intercellular communications of non-coding RNAs


Margaret R. Larson Professor of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases
Chair, UNMC Department of Pharmacology and Experimental Neuroscience


Laboratory of Howard E. Gendelman, MD

Howard E. Gendelman, MD

Assistant Professor, UNMC Department of Anesthesiology

Kamalika Mukherjee, MSc, PhD


Cell autonomous and pathogen-derived factors on the susceptibility of individual host cells to infection by a protozoan pathogen

Role: PI

Source: BR/IN/Swiss/53/SNB/2018-2019 (PI: Bhattacharyya) 03/19/2019 - 03/18/2023

This grant investigates the elucidation of the interplay of cell autonomous and pathogen- derived factors on the susceptibility of individual host cells to infection by a protozoan pathogen.

Mechanism of P-body targeting of mRNAs in mammalian cells

Role: PI

Source: CEFIPRA (PI: Bhattacharyya) 11/10/2019-10/31/2022 (6003-J)
Indo French Research Grant $USD 50,000

The goal of this project is to study the Mechanism of P-body targeting of mRNAs in mammalian cells.

Compartmentalization of microRNA-Dependent Posttranscriptional Processes in Mammalian Cells

Role: PI

Source: High Risk High Reward (PI: Bhattacharyya) 03/28/2017 - 03/27/2020
DST/HRR/2016/000093 $USD 800,000

This is a Compartmentalization of microRNA-Dependent Posttranscriptional Processes in Mammalian Cells : Role of Subcellular Structures and Organelles.

Inter- and subcellular miRNA trafficking in controlling lipid metabolism in mammalian liver cells

Role: PI

Source: Swarnajayanti Fellowship (PI: Bhattacharyya) 04/01/2016 -03/31/2021
DST/SJF/LSA-03/2014-15S $USD 400,000

This proposal will determine the role of inter- and subcellular miRNA trafficking in controlling lipid metabolism in mammalian liver cells.

P-body targeting of miRNAs in mammalian cells

Role: PI

Source: Wellcome Trust UK (084324/Z/07/A) (PI: Bhattacharyya) 01/01/2009-11/31/2014
International Senior Research Fellowship $USD 1,000,000

This proposal will determine the Mechanism of P-body targeting of miRNAs in mammalian cells.

Cell microenvironment on miRNAs activity

Role: PI

Source: HFSP CDA Grant (2007-3) (PI: Bhattacharyya) 04/01/2008 -03/31/2012
$USD 300,000

This proposal will determine the effect of cell microenvironment on miRNAs activity.