SÍ! (Spanish Individualized) Program

The Hispanic population in Nebraska, currently at 12-13% across the state, is set to represent more than 20% of the population by 2040, making it the largest minority population in Nebraska. While many health centers throughout the state have access to live or phone interpreters to serve this growing population, the need for health care professionals who can speak Spanish remains high.
To meet this need, the UNMC Department of Pediatrics offers individualized medical Spanish language learning opportunities as part of the Pediatric Global Health Residency Track.
The program was developed in collaboration with the UNMC Office of Global Engagement and the University of Anáhuac Veracruz (UAV), Xalapa campus in Mexico. The program offers intensive individualized medical Spanish language instruction, which is tailored to the individual trainee’s Spanish language skills. Instruction is for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week, for 3 weeks. Instruction is provided by the UAV linguistics faculty in Mexico.
In addition to the intensive Spanish language instruction, trainees receive lectures on culture, contrast between the US and Mexican health care systems, and get to practice conducting patient interviews through practical experiences incorporated into the curriculum.
The program is open to Pediatric Residents, Med-Peds Residents and Pediatric Fellows regardless of language proficiency. The program can tailor courses for beginners as well as advanced learners who may want to improve their medical literacy in Spanish. In person and virtual options are available.
- Placement test prior to program initiation to assess Spanish language level
- Total 90 hours of instruction over the course of 3 weeks with 6 hours/day individualized Spanish program (one-to-one instruction)
- Residents must complete the Pediatric Residency Global Health Track curriculum to participate in this program.
- The program is available to 2nd , 3rd & 4th year pediatrics or med-peds residents.
- This experience counts as a no overnight call pediatric residency elective.
- Course cost covered by the Pediatric Residency Global Health track.
- Option of longitudinal 2-year program if timeline and availability allow
The following is a sample schedule for Pediatric Hospital Medicine Fellows. It can be tailored to other fellowships.
- Placement test prior to program initiation to assess Spanish language level
- Fellows must complete the Pediatric Residency Global Health Track curriculum to participate in this program.
- Individualized Spanish learning program over 2 years to achieve B2 fluency to be able to see patients individually without interpreters.
- Course alternates regular and intensive instruction
- Regular individualized Spanish instruction throughout the year for 2-4 hours a week tailored to the fellow’s clinical rotation schedule.
- Includes 2 options of intensive immersion individualized Spanish
- Year 1: 3 weeks virtual, intensive, and individualized in Omaha
- Year 2: 3-4 weeks in person at the University of Anáhuac Veracruz (UAV), Xalapa campus in Mexico. Other potential site includes Hospital del Niño Doctor José Renán Esquivel in Panama City, Panamá (if fellow has achieved sufficient Spanish fluency).
Contact Information
Shirley Delair, MD, PhD, MPH
Pediatric Residency Global Health Track Director
Amy Rezac-Elgohary, MA
Pediatric Outreach & Education Programs Manager
Global Health Programs
Global Health Track Coordinator