University of Nebraska Medical Center

Residency Tracks

resident sitting in break room
Our residency program is committed to offering unique, individualized educational opportunities to our residents, with the goal of providing the most comprehensive training experience possible. To accomplish this, we provide several optional tracks to our residents depending upon their professional and career interests. Our tracks offer opportunities in many facets of Pediatrics, including educational leadership, healthcare advocacy and global health.

Our residency program offers the following tracks:

Global Health
The Global Health track creates multi-disciplinary, bi-directional efforts that engages residents, fellows and faculty, locally and internationally, through education, clinical and scholarly activities to advance global health conditions.
Health Educators and Academic Leaders
The Health Educators & Academic Leaders curriculum provides a foundation in best teaching practices, educational scholarship and academic leadership to health professionals in training.
SÍ! (Spanish Individualized)

SÍ! (Spanish Individualized)

Our Pediatric Residency Global Health Track has developed in collaboration with the UNMC Office of Global Engagement and the University of Anáhuac Veracruz (UAV) in Xalapa, Mexico, a virtual intensive individualized Spanish instruction, SÍ! (Spanish Individualized) that is tailored to the individual trainees Spanish language skills.

Public Health Justice
The Public Health Justice track provides an educational and clinical opportunity that will prepare graduates of the pediatric and med/peds residency program to be primary care providers well versed in the care and needs of urban, underserved pediatric patients.