University of Nebraska Medical Center

Program Overview

graphic describes the process for applying repeated in the paragraph below

Steps of Global Health Track

  1. Apply 6-9 months prior to the end of PGY-1
  2. Complete Curriculum: Online and Live. 
  3. Global Health Rotation: Local and International
  4. Scholarly Activity: Teaching, presenting and more! 

Pediatric residents, med-peds residents and pediatric fellows who enroll in the global health track will graduate upon completion of the program with a certificate of Pediatric Global Health, if they complete the following curriculum, experiential learning, and scholarly activity.


Global Health Curriculum
Trainees in the Global Health Track complete the online Global Pediatrics Education Series "GPEDS" as part of the knowledge portion of the elective. GPEDS comprised of 28 blocks (approximately 23 hours) of lecture-based content delivered by pediatric specialists). GPEDS is at no cost to the trainees and is to be completed by all house officers prior to global health clinical experience but is open to all pediatric residents interested in the topics. Time spent on the curriculum count towards duty hours per ACGME guidelines.
Global Health Clinical Elective
International clinical experiential opportunities, lasting 4 weeks, are available at select partner sites at no cost to the resident or fellow who is enrolled in the pediatric residency global heath track. During an initial meeting with the director of the Pediatric Residency Global Health Track, 6-12 months prior to the clinical rotation, opportunities available at each UNMC sponsored site will be provided. Opportunities will be adapted to resident language fluency, availability of supervising UNMC faculty and/or local faculty partners at the time of the rotation. Completion of the global health curriculum GPEDS is mandatory prior to being authorized for the international clinical rotation. Local clinical experiences in regions that are under-resourced, and underserved will be arranged as feasible based on existing local partnerships.
Scholarly Activity
Students enrolled in the Pediatric Residency Global Health Track will be assigned a mentor to help supervise scholarly activity which can range from teaching medical students and co-residents, to conducting research in an area chosen by local or international partners based on their priorities.
Completion Certificate
  • A regular Pediatric Global Health certificate will be awarded to the trainees who complete the track requirements.
  • Honors or High Honors will be conferred based on the level of scholarly activity.
Additional Educational Opportunities
  • An additional component of the curriculum is the in person live SUGAR (Simulation Use for Global Away Rotations) conducted during the Resident Block Didactics for HOI-I, II and III. It is a simulation-based curriculum used to prepare medical providers for common challenges (both practical and emotional) faced when working in resource-limited settings. It is open to all pediatric residents who wish to attend.
  • Social impacts on health lecture, a live session, will be conducted during the resident block didactics for HO-I.
  • Periodically information about local, regional, or national global health conferences will be shared with all the pediatric residents and fellows.