University of Nebraska Medical Center


residents at a conference sitting on a bench

Attending conferences to learn and share information is vital part of the UNMC Pediatric residency program.

Patient Management Conference (PMC) is held on Tuesday mornings at Children’s Hospital & Medical Center and is televised to both Creighton University and the University of Nebraska. All residents present a case at this conference yearly and facilitate an in-depth discussion of management and evidence-based medicine with faculty, students, and other residents. Morbidity and Mortality is a part of this series and happens on a quarterly basis.
This is a three year didactic series based on the American Board of Pediatrics content specifications that is held weekly on Friday afternoons. These sessions are level specific. They combine active learning through seminars and simulated experiences. Board review sessions are also included. Residents have 1-2 block didactic sessions per month.
Once a month, a second year resident chooses a recently published article to present and discuss with faculty and residents. They prepare the discussion with help from a mentor and epidemiologist. This conference is televised to all sites.
Teaching Rounds are conducted at each site on Mondays and Thursdays from 12:00-12:45 PM at Children’s Hospital & Medical Center and from 8:00-8:45 AM at University of Nebraska Medical Center. These sessions consist of a patient presentation and discussion on evaluation and treatment. Residents present these cases to other residents, medical students, and faculty to facilitate discussion and emphasize teaching points.
On Friday mornings, the Pediatric Department hosts Grand Rounds which is open to all physicians and students. Speakers come from within the University of Nebraska and Creighton University systems, as well as from other well-known institutions throughout the country. Each year, the residents are asked to select a Distinguished Lecturer to include in this series. All 3rd year residents have the option of presenting a Grand Rounds to fulfill their scholarly activity requirement. These presentations are televised to all 3 sites.
The Child Health Research Institute Annual Research Forum is held in May and includes poster presentations from faculty, fellows, residents, and students who were involved in research during the past year. One or two research projects are selected for a presentation that is televised to all three sites. Annual teaching awards are given out at the conclusion.