Medical Education
Medical Education provides a range of opportunities for students at a variety of stages in their educational journey, from undergraduate to medical school student.
Through the Department of Pediatrics, students can participate in a Junior Pediatrics Clerkship, as well as Senior Elective. Our Pediatric Interest Group is available for medical students interested in learning more about treating children.
Contact Information
Nathan Gollehon, MD
Undergraduate Medical Education Director
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics
Clerkship Director (3/31/25)
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Dani Wilson-Baxter
UME Education Program Coordinator
Senior Electives
All electives in Pediatrics must be pre-arranged.
To schedule an elective, send an email to Dani Wilson-Baxter.
Electives are initially assigned by lottery. When you submit your electives, it is advisable to provide your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd month choices for the elective; e.g., Pedi ID -1st choice Aug, 2nd choice Oct, 3rd choice July. Email your selections to Dani Wilson-Baxter.
You will be notified of your schedule by email.
If you have any scheduling questions, please contact Dani Wilson-Baxter, 402-559-2274.
M1 - M2
The Pediatric Interest Group introduces medical students to the field of Pediatrics and Medicine-Pediatrics. The organization is designed to expand your knowledge of diverse aspects of the field of Pediatrics.

The Pediatrics Clerkship at UNMC uses the standardized curriculum developed by the Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics. Curricular materials and grading criteria are disseminated to students at orientation and are on Canvas.