University of Nebraska Medical Center

Teri Mauch, MD, PhD

Professor, UNMC Division of Nephrology
Chair of Promotion and Tenure, College of Medicine

Teri Mauch, MD, PhD
My research interests include kidney development and atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. I previously used avian models to show that signals from paraxial mesoderm are both necessary and sufficient to induce kidney marker expression in the intermediate mesoderm. We also showed using cultured fetal rat kidneys that angiotensin II increases branching morphogenesis of the ureter, with secondarily increased glomerulogenesis, and that inhibition of the AT1 receptor results in decreased branching, whereas inhibition of the AT2 receptor results in disordered branching. Our current clinical research studies focus on the role of maternal vitamin A levels on fetal kidney development. We are measuring maternal vitamin A levels in midgestation and at the time of delivery, and we are measuring infant vitamin A levels in cord blood at the time of delivery, and correlating these with fetal kidney size and cortical thickness measured prenatally and at the time of delivery. I have been the site principal investigator for two industry sponsored trials investigating the safety and efficacy of neutralizing antibodies to complement component 5 in pediatric patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome. 
Clinically, in addition to my regular nephrology and dialysis clinics at Children's Nebraska, I co-lead the essential hypertension clinic with Scott Fletcher of pediatric cardiology, and I see general nephrology patients in our Lincoln outreach clinic. 
Under my leadership our division has grown from 2 faculty members in 2012 to 5 physicians and 4 APRNs, and we have established the only pediatric dialysis unit in the state. In addition to serving as Division Chief for Pediatric Nephrology at UNMC and Children's, I chair the College of Medicine Promotion and Tenure Committee. I conceived and continue to organize the Pediatric Writing Workshop Series, now known as the Pediatric Academic Workshop Series (PAWS). I served for 2 terms (6 years) as an elected member of the Executive Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Nephrology and continue to serve as Editor in Chief of the Section Newsletter.

About Dr. Mauch

Medical School
University of Nebraska College of Medicine, Omaha, NE

University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha, NE

University of Nebraska Affiliated Hospitals, Omaha, NE

Biochemistry, Ludwig-Maximilians Universitat Munchen, Munich, Germany, funded by the German Academic Exchange Service
Pediatric Nephrology, University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN
Renal Ultrasonography, Emory University, Atlanta, GA

Biochemistry, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE

  • Embryology of kidney
  • Environmental contributions to kidney hypoplasia
  • Atypical HUS
Genetic and congenital kidney disorders, chronic kidney disease, atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome, and essential hypertension

Editor, AAP Section on Nephrology Newsletter

Former Editor, ASN Kidney News and Developmental Dynamics