Neonatal Instruction
The bulk of our neonatal educational curriculum occurs on Tuesday afternoons with fellow protected time to attend the following:
1st Week of the Month:
- 2 p.m. Didactics
- 3 p.m. Board Review Questions
2nd Week of the Month
- 12:15 p.m. Neonatal Respiratory Rounds
- 2 p.m. Children’s Morbidity & Mortality Conference
3rd Week of the Month
- 2 p.m. – Journal Club
- 3 p.m. – Research Hour
4th Week of the Month
- 12:15 p.m. – Neonatal Respiratory Rounds

Fellows will present, attend and be involved with the following conferences:
Neonatal Research Hour
This is time for fellows, faculty and students to present their research work to our division. We prioritize those presenting at local and national meeting to practice their presentations for feedback from the group.
Neonatal Ethics Rounds
Lead by faculty member Dr. David Soffer.
Fellow Didactics
Fellows will attend or present material focused on the American Board of Pediatrics (ABP) Content Specifications in the form of discussions, lectures and board style questions.
Neonatology Journal Club
Occurring monthly. Fellows are required to attend a scientific review and critique of current literature in neonatology. Fellows will be required to present once each year.
Neonatal Respiratory Rounds
Occurring twice a month. Fellows will attend and present complicated patients to the multidisciplinary group of neonatologists, pulmonologists, pulmonary hypertension specialists, palliative care etc. to discuss management and treatment options.
Morbidity & Mortality Conference at Nebraska Medicine and Morbidity & Mortality Conference and Children’s Hospital & Medical Center
Occurring monthly. Fellows will attend and present cases of morbidity and mortality to identify areas of improvement or learning from difficult cases.
Fellows will lead simulation experiences of infrequent difficult situations at least twice a year.
Difficult Conversations Workshop
Occurring yearly. Fellows will work with standardized patients to practice difficult conversations that occur in the NICU.
Neonatology Division Meeting
Occurring twice a month. Provide updates on faculty and fellow research efforts and reviews of new clinical initiatives.
Children’s NICU Interdisciplinary Committee
Occurring every other month. Quality meeting for the Children’s Hospital & Medical Center NICU
Fetal Care Conference
Occurring every other month. Fellows are required to attend, this multidisciplinary conference of neonatologists, perinatologists and pediatric surgeons. We review expected and recently delivered surgical patients, present data and review best evidence base practice.
Cardiac Conference
Weekly when on service. Fellows will attend this multidisciplinary conference every Monday morning to review and discuss upcoming and complicated cardiac patients with the cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery team.
The Department of Pediatrics Grand Rounds
Occurring weekly. Fellows are able to attend the weekly grand rounds through the department of pediatrics.
Children’s Health and Research Institute (CHRI)
Research education series, including monthly seminar talks and research forum.
Pediatric Fellows Academy
A core curriculum provided to all pediatric trainees interested in academic medicine that focuses on common academic topics. Occurring monthly, it covers topics related to education, research and career development