University of Nebraska Medical Center


Fellow Conference Schedule

Clinical conferences provide an additional opportunity to accomplish the goals of our training program. These conferences provide the best opportunity for the fellows to sharpen and demonstrate their competence in medical knowledge of the more obscure diseases. These are rarely seen on any clinical services as well as strengthen their organizational, communicational, and interpersonal skills during our monthly division meeting to achieve competency in systems- based practice.

This conference is held monthly with the Pathology team to understand the pathophysiology of Pediatric GI disease. All pathological specimens from previous week’s pathology are discussed as well as helping to develop expertise in reading biopsies.
This conference is held monthly with Pathology and Radiology teams to develop an understanding role of imaging the diagnosis and management of the disease. A selected group of images are chosen to highlight important findings and clinical implications and correlation to pathological findings. These conferences aid in developing clinical expertise in interpretation of radiographic images.
Once a month, a fellow chooses a recently published article to present and discuss with faculty, fellows, residents, and medical students. They prepare the discussion with help from a mentor. The main goal with this conference is to learn to be a critical reader of medical literature as well as learning to critically analyze the study design and statistical validity of each study and medical literature.
This combined conference is held in conjunction with the Peds Surgery team as a way to share unique case studies. Each month we assign one of our fellows to present, picking a case study of their choosing. Pedi Surgery does the same and we come together to discuss and highlight potential diagnosis or treatments of these cases.
This is a weekly conference held to learn any aspect of the curriculum that fellows feel requires additional didactic exposure. We bring in our faculty and many outside specialist to present to the fellows. They have opportunities to learn about rare diseases not usually encountered in clinical services. We also follow the American Board of Pediatrics guidelines to cover all areas required to successfully pass the subspecialty boards of Pediatric GI.