We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of health information, as mandated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996.
HIPAA establishes the national standards for protecting the privacy of health information and defines specific rights for individuals with respect to their health information. HIPAA includes the Privacy Rule, the Security Rule, and the Breach Notification Rule.
Rules Under HIPAA
The privacy rule sets standards for protected health information, including how we use it and disclose it, and patients rights. Protected health information is individually identifiable health information, whether in paper or electronic from – even in verbal conversations. The privacy rule protects patients’ PHI while letting us exchange information to coordinate patient care. The privacy rule also gives patients the right to examine and receive copies of medical records, including electronic copies, and to request corrections.
The security rule defines safeguards that covered entities and their business associates must use to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of electronic protected health information. Electronic protected health information may be contained in desktop computers, laptops, USB/Thumb drives, e-mail, pagers and smart phones
Breach Notification
The breach notification rule requires covered entities to notify affected individuals, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights, and, in some cases, the media of a breach of unsecured protected health information. Build Trust by Protecting Patient Privacy.
Protect Privacy, Build Trust
Patients who are confident that we will protect their privacy are more likely to share information that is critical to providing quality health care.