College of Allied Health Professions
Patient Safety
Fall Risk Screening
Screening Tools
Screening Tools
- Stay Independent Brochure: The Stay Independent Brochure created by the Centers for Disease Control contains a 12-item questionnaire that can be used to screen older adults for fall risk.
- Fall Risk Management Algorithm: The Algorithm for Fall Risk Screening, Assessment, and Intervention created by the Centers for Disease Control lays out multiple steps that health care professionals should use to manage fall risk in older adults, the first step being screening.
Quality Improvement Tools to Apply to Screening
- Aim Statement Worksheet.* The Aim Statement Worksheet from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement is a resource that can be used to help you create an aim statement for an improvement project.
- Quality Improvement Project Measures Worksheet.* The Quality Improvement Project Measures Worksheet from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement is a resource that can be used to help you develop outcome, process, and balancing measures for an improvement project.
- Quality Improvement Project Change Concepts Worksheet.* The Quality Improvement Project Change Concepts Worksheet from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement is a resource that can be used to help you explore and select from change concepts that might be relevant to an improvement project.
- Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Worksheet.* The PDSA Worksheet from the Institute for Healthcare Improvement is a resource that can be used to guide documentation of PDSA cycles to test changes within an improvement project.