University of Nebraska Medical Center


Coordinated Action Toward Community Health: RedUce Risk And Limit Falls

The Coordinated Action Toward Community Health: RedUce Risk And Limit – “CATCH RURAL” – Falls Program is a quality improvement program to provide education and resources to promote fall risk management in Nebraska Rural Health Clinics and improve care for older adults in rural communities. This program supports the adoption and implementation of the Centers for Disease Control's Stopping Elderly Accidents, Deaths & Injury (STEADI) initiative core components of fall risk screening, assessment, and intervention.

This work, including the creation of this website and related resources, has been supported by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Office of Rural Health through the Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program (September 2022-present). The content of this website and associated presentations and publications are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Nebraska Office of Rural Health.

In the video below, Dr. Venema Shares Insights About Fall Prevention for Older Adults

University of Nebraska system President Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, welcomes Dawn Venema, PT, PhD, on Rural Health Matters on RFD. Dr. Venema's segment begins at 18:01 minutes into the video.