University of Nebraska Medical Center


road graphic with markers to represent activities

Every hospital's journey to improve fall risk reduction is unique. Our roadmap can help.

The CAPTURE Falls roadmap provides an organizing framework of activities, educational resources, and tools to help you improve your fall risk reduction program.

Different hospitals may want or need to visit different stops along the way (see stops below). Every hospital, however, is ultimately working toward the same destination: keeping their patients safe from falls and fall-related injury.

intersecting arrows symbolize readiness for change

Establish Readiness for Change

Explore the resolve of members of an organization to implement change to improve fall risk reduction practices, and their collective belief in their capacity ...

interprofessional team symbol with different people

Interprofessional Fall Risk Reduction Team

Create an inter-professional fall risk reduction team responsible for managing and implementing the facility’s fall risk reduction program.

symbol for gap analysis with check boxes and a person

Gap Analysis

Conduct an assessment of the current state of fall risk reduction practices in your facility compared to evidence-based best practices.

Flowchart symbolizing and action plan

Action Plan

Document and monitor the steps your team needs to take to reach your program goals.

Symbol for policies and procedures

Fall Risk Reduction Policies and Procedures

Set expectations and influence decisions, actions, and activities necessary for your fall risk reduction program.

Person slipping and falling

Fall Definition

Specify what “counts” as a fall, and differentiate various types of falls (e.g. assisted vs. unassisted) as well as injuries.

checkboxes and person falling to symbolize fall risk assessment

Fall Risk Assessment

Identify patients who are at risk for falls and recognize their respective risk factors.

Pills, walker, and toilet graphic to represent interventions

Fall Risk Reduction Interventions

Implement interventions to reduce the influence of patient risk factors for falls and fall-related injury.

clipboard with checkmark graphic to symbolize auditing

Auditing Fall Risk Reduction Practices

Identify if fall risk reduction practices are being implemented as intended in your facility.

graphic of patient on gurney with EKG monitoring

Post-Fall Clinical Assessment

Establish a protocol to guide staff in the assessment of patients for potential injury after a fall occurs.

graphic of people in a circle with arrows connecting them

Post-Fall Huddle

Create a safe environment to understand the ’story’ behind a fall in order to learn and take action to prevent a future fall.

Graph symbol showing increase

Fall Event and Rate Reporting

Report and monitor falls and fall rates to track progress within your organization and allow for external benchmarking.

graphic of a head with cogs to symbolize learning from data

Learning from Data

Use data to understand how well your fall risk reduction program is working to reduce fall risk in your facility.

Graph, arrows, magnifying lens to symbolize sustainment strategies

Sustainment Strategies

Maintain an effective fall risk reduction program over time.