University of Nebraska Medical Center

Establish Readiness for Change

symbol for Readiness for change with two intersecting arrows


Readiness for change reflects the resolve of members of an organization to implement a change, and their collective belief in their capacity to do so.


Falls are a common problem in healthcare facilities and fall prevention is an important patient safety priority. Organizational change is complex and difficult. Comprehensive fall risk reduction programs may make changes at multiple levels – the bedside, unit/department, and across the system. A facility that is not ready to change will encounter substantial challenges that may derail efforts to improve.


Establish the facts and stories about fall risk reduction in your facility that describe the current state of fall risk reduction, and support a need for change. Create meaningful and credible messaging to establish the need (and urgency) for change, and why change is needed. Gather buy-in from staff and leadership, and secure the resources needed for the program’s success (i.e., time, people, tools/equipment, training, etc.)


Access tools and educational resources below to help you implement this activity.