University of Nebraska Medical Center

Resources & Cores

Our department provides state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, as well as access to well trained and skilled personnel, to faculty and staff campus-wide and across the University of Nebraska system. Our faculty are founding members of two prestigious research centers on campus, as well as leaders of several state-of-the-art core shared facilities.

We provide research support through the UNMC proteomics laboratory with development of new proteomic applications and software to address biological challenges in research. Our comprehensive approach to research support includes bioinformatics for the management and analysis of scientific data.

Drawing on our expertise in morphologic techniques, we also provide state of the art services in the Tissue Sciences Facility for researchers throughout the Midwest. We encourage you to view the different laboratories, centers, and core facilities to discover for yourself the many opportunities we are creating at UNMC. We have various facilities and research resources.  We hold several workshops and conferences. 

Throughout campus, there are a number of other core facilities across campus that offer both advanced technologies and equipment, providing an extensive array of services to support researchers that are hosted by the Vice-Chancellor's Office for Research: view a listing of these facilities. The Research Information Technology Office is designed to support UNMC researchers also.

Grant Administration

Click here to learn more about submitting grant applications.