Human DNA Identification Laboratory

Services we offer
Our testing may be used to resolve concerns regarding mislabeled pathology samples (e.g., tissue, body fluids), tissue "floaters" or concerns about specimen mix-ups. We are able to provide identify on fresh, as well as methanol-fixed, and formalin-fixed tissues. We are also able to utilize formalin-fixed paraffin embedded tissues, and stained/unstained slides. Note: Tissue on slides is consumed during the extraction process. We are generally able to provide preliminary results within 5-7 working days from receipt of samples.
- $1,100 per sample for pathology material identification
- $250 per cell line identification
We offer testing of physical evidence for law enforcement agencies and private attorneys. We also conduct tests for law enforcement to determine paternity/parentage. We have a memorandum of understanding with the Nebraska State Patrol to upload evidentiary samples from Nebraska cases into CODIS (U.S. Combined DNA Index System), upon their approval. We are generally able to complete testing and send reports within 4-6 weeks.
Test samples
A variety of specimen sources may be submitted for DNA-based identification including, but not limited to:
- Body fluids (e.g. blood, semen, saliva, etc.)
- Buccal swabs (inside cheek swab)
- Casings (pre-extraction step resulting in a 60% success rate of detecting usable DNA)
- Methanol- and formalin-fixed tissues, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) blocks, microscopy slides (stained or unstained)
- Hair roots
- Personal effects
- Tissues (biopsies) or teeth/bone
- Touch DNA (items that have been worn or handled by an individual)
- $850 per sample
- $300 per hour for testimony
- $300 per hour for outside report review
- $150 per disclosure book
- $150 per hour additional document request
In 2024, we earned accreditation to perform Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG), allowing us to assist in unsolved homicide or violent crime investigations by helping identify unknown DNA.
- $2,800 per sample for FIGG genetic testing (includes extraction)
Contact information
Our hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. Note: Specimens will not be accepted on weekends or holidays. Please mail specimens to:
University of Nebraska Medical Center
Jesse Cox, MD, PhD; ECI 6004, ZIP 5454
601 South Saddlecreek Road
Omaha, NE 68106
Payment options
Customers can pay by check, credit card, or bank transfer. Note: There is a 2.75% surcharge fee on credit card payments.
Email Dr. Jesse Cox regarding patient tissue/body fluid misidentification cases. For all other inquiries, email Mellissa Helligso or call:
Office: 402-559-6289
Lab: 402-559-7220

Human DNA Lab at UNMC gains new accreditation
In 2024, the Human DNA Identification Laboratory became one of the few labs in the nation to earn accreditation to perform Forensic Investigative Genetic Genealogy (FIGG), which will allow them to assist in cold case investigations.

Mellissa Helligso, MT (ASCP), MFS
Manager, Human DNA Identification Laboratory