Grant Administration
Submitting and administering are complex processes with funder, university, and department guidelines and requirements. The Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology provides resources and support for successful grant application preparation, submission, and project administration and closeout.
Please be aware that final documents for all portions of a submission are due to the department grants administrative office by 2 p.m. the day before it is due for final submission to the funding agency. This allows enough time for the department and Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) to upload and review before final submission.
Grant Application Timeline
1. Complete Intent to Submit Grant document with required information and send to Kara Shellman-Kuhns.
2. Kara will notify you which grant coordinator will be assisting you with your grant. Your grant coordinator will notify Shannon Robinson in Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) of the proposal.
3. Grant coordinator will contact you to develop both the grant funding agency budget and the internal UNMC form. Please inform her of any subcontracts that may be associated with your grant submission. Budget development is complex, so work with your grant coordinator early and often to complete this section as it can set proposals back significantly.
4. Grant coordinator will complete the necessary internal form in RSS and route for signatures. This must be done before grant budget can be entered in the application.
a. Status of grant: new, resubmission, or renewal
b. Funding agency
c. Funding announcement: PA, RAF, RFP, or link
d. Submission deadline
e. Grant title
f. Role: PI, co-I, collaborator, or contractor
g. Start date
h. Number of years
i. Budget type: modular or detailed
j. Subcontract
k. International collaboration: Complete the international project online.
a. Budget amount
b. Personnel information: name, title, and effort in percent or person months for each person on grant
c. Operating expenses: dollar amount
d. Supply expenses: dollar amount
e. Travel expenses: dollar amount
f. Equipment expenses: dollar amount
g. Consultant: dollar amount, name, address, and phone number
h. Budget justification
i. Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocol
j. Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) protocol
a. Contractor name
b. Institution name
c. Institution address
d. Institution Sponsored Program Administration or related entity
e. Subcontract budget details as listed in the previous column
f. Letter of intent
a. Project summary/abstract
b. Project narrative
c. Biosketch(s)
d. Facilities & other resources
e. Budget
f. Budget justification
g. Equipment
h. Research plan (draft)
i. Bibliography & references cited (draft)
j. If applicable: vertebrate animal, human subjects, stem cell, authentication of key biological and/or chemical resources, and/or resource-sharing plan
k. Cover letter (SPA can provide one)
l. Letter(s) of support, if relevant
Send all documents to grant coordinator to check and upload documents for SPA review. This three-day window allows SPA enough time to review and take proper corrective action if necessary. The required documents for upload listed above need to be final*. This list includes the standard documents in most NIH grants, so the documents required for your grant application might vary.
*You can continue to work on primary Research Plan and Bibliography & References Cited until the due date if necessary.
By 2 p.m. on the business day before the grant is due to the funding agency, please submit final Research Plan and Bibliography & References Cited to grant coordinator for upload into system for final review by SPA.
Grant Admin Staff
Kara Shellman-Kuhns at 402-559-4116
Liz VanRoekel at 402-559-4040
Jillian Washington at 402-559-7760
Lyssa White at 402-559-4656
Keith Young at 402-559-9528
Sponsored Programs at 402-559-6639